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  Benson, Joanne E.
NameJoanne E. Benson
Address555 5th Ave. N.
St. Cloud, Minnesota 56303-1735, United States
Born January 04, 1943
Died Still Living (82 years)
ContributorThe Oncoming Storm
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Sep 11, 2023 07:34pm
InfoJoanne E. Benson (born January 4 1943) was the 44th Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota from January 3 1995 to January 4 1999. An Independent Republican, she was elected on the gubernatorial ticket with Governor Arne Carlson. She is a former Minnesota state senator noted for her somewhat more conservative tendencies than the moderate Carlson.

She ran in the 1998 Republican primary for governor, starting off as the initial front-runner in the GOP primary. However, despite attempting to garner enough support within the GOP establishment to ward-off any primary challengers, a late entrant to the race, St. Paul Mayor Norm Coleman, garnered enough delegates to win the Republican endorsement at the GOP state convention in summer 1998. Benson, who placed third in the race for delegates (behind Coleman and Allen Quist), agreed not to challenge Coleman in that fall's primary, but as the Republican nominee, Coleman eventually placed second in the race to Reform candidate Jesse Ventura.

Upon leaving office in 1999, she became the first chief education officer of the Minnesota Business Academy. In that capacity, Benson worked with civic and state leaders in raising money in benefit of the school's success.

She was born in Le Sueur, Minnesota, became an educator and married Robert R. Benson.

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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/08/1994 MN Lt. Governor Won 63.34% (+29.22%)
  09/13/1994 MN Lt. Governor - R Primary Won 66.51% (+33.02%)
  11/03/1992 MN State Senate 16 Won 58.04% (+16.08%)
  11/06/1990 MN State Senate 17 Won 50.59% (+16.30%)
  11/04/1986 MN State Senate 17 Lost 49.06% (-1.88%)
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