Affiliation | Republican |
Name | Joseph V. Montone |
Address | 40 Howley Drive Falls Township Morrisville, Pennsylvania 19067, United States |
Email | None |
Website | [Link] |
Born |
March 19, 1960 |
Died |
Still Living
(65 years) |
Contributor | ScottĀ³ |
Last Modifed | ScottĀ³ Oct 02, 2006 09:42pm |
Tags |
Info | Education:
BS, Dowling College, 1982
AAS, Farmingdale University, 1980.
Professional Experience:
President, My Father's Vineyard, Incorporated, 2001-present
President, Aviation Safety Institute, Incorporated, 1999-present
Director of Standards, Flightsafety International, 1995-1999
Director of Training, Trans World Express/Pan Am Express, 1987-1995.
Political Experience:
Candidate, United States House of Representatives, Pennsylvania, District 8, 2004.
Vice President, Bucks County Pro-Life Coalition, 2003-present
Member, International Society of Air Safety Investigators, 2003-present
Chair, Saint Ignatius Church Respect Life Committee, 2002-present
Adjunct Member, Associates of the Bar for the City of New York, 1998-2003
Committee on Aeronautics.
Date | Firm | Approve | Disapprove | Don't Know |
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