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  Lawler, Eva
NameEva Lawler
, Northern Territory , Australia
Born August 18, 1962
Died Still Living (63 years)
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Aug 18, 2024 01:33am
InfoEva Lawler is the Member for Drysdale and Chief Minister of the Northern Territory. She was elected to the Parliament in August 2016 and holds the portfolios of Treasurer of the Northern Territory, as well as Minister for Territory Development, Minister for Industry & Trade, Minister for Defence Industries and Major Projects.

She has previously held portfolios in Education, Renewables, Essential Services, Environment and Climate Change, and Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics.

Eva was born in Darwin and prior to entering politics, had a 30 year career in education. She has a Bachelor of Education and both a Masters in Education, and in International Management. She also has a Diploma in Project Management and an Associate Diploma in Public Service Management.

Eva started her career as a teacher in the 1980's and she worked in a number of schools in Darwin and the rural area as a teacher, Assistant Principal, and a Principal over a period of 15 years. She then worked in curriculum development and in delivering professional learning to educators.

She moved into executive positions in Education in Alice Springs and in Darwin and was the Deputy Chief Executive of School Education for the Territory.

Eva has also worked in Event Management in Sport in the Territory, working in partnership with peak sporting bodies to deliver top quality sporting events for Territorians.

Eva’s family have been in the trucking and earthmoving industry in the Territory since the 1950’s with her father and brothers involved in the supplying and delivery of materials for civil projects.

Driving growth in investment, employment and educational outcomes that benefit the Territory are the Chief Minister’s achievements.

Eva believes strongly in the benefits of a ‘home grown’ workforce of Territorians being educated in the Northern Territory, and using their knowledge, skills and experience to benefit their community.


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  08/24/2024 NT Chief Minister Lost 16.00% (-52.00%)
  08/24/2024 NT Legislative Assembly - Drysdale Lost 35.04% (-29.92%)
  12/21/2023 NT Labor Party Leader Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  12/21/2023 NT Chief Minister Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  05/23/2022 NT Treasurer Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  08/22/2020 NT Legislative Assembly - Drysdale Won 57.90% (+15.80%)
  08/27/2016 NT Legislative Assembly - Drysdale Won 55.24% (+10.48%)
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