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  Uibo, Selena
NameSelena Uibo
Katherine, Northern Territory , Australia
Born March 25, 1985
Died Still Living (39 years)
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Aug 18, 2024 01:07am
Tags Aboriginal Australian -
InfoSelena Uibo is the Member for the Arnhem Electorate in the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly. She was elected to the Parliament in August 2016 and currently holds the ministerial portfolios of Minister for Remote Housing and Homelands, Minister for Corporate and Digital Development, Minister for Health, Minister for Local Decision Making, Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, Minister for Parks and Rangers, and Minister for Public Employment.

She has previously held the portfolios of Education, Essential Services, Aboriginal Affairs and Treaty, Renewables and Energy, Attorney-General and Justice.

Selena was born and bred in the Territory. Her mother is Nunggubuyu from Numbulwar and Wanindilyakwa from Groote Eylandt, and her father is a second-generation Australian of Estonian and South African origin, born in Sydney. Selena speaks English, Kriol and some of the Wubuy language of Numbulwar.

Selena studied a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, where she graduated as Valedictorian in 2010 before commencing her teaching career in the NT. In 2013, Selena was awarded a Commonwealth Bank Foundation Award for teaching financial literacy to her secondary students in Numbulwar. During her time as a teacher, she also received the NT Award for Excellence in Teaching and facilitated 14 school excursions in her four years at Numbulwar.

Selena’s family have a long history in education; both her parents and her only sibling have been teachers. Selena’s parents taught in Batchelor and throughout Northern Territory remote communities.

When Selena is not out and about travelling for work she spends her time at home in Katherine with her husband Corey and their two kids Radiance and Phoenix who all enjoy camping, fishing and swimming.


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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  09/02/2024 NT Labor Party Leader Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  08/24/2024 NT Legislative Assembly - Arnhem Won 64.27% (+28.54%)
  08/22/2020 NT Legislative Assembly - Arnhem Won 51.57% (+3.15%)
  01/31/2019 NT Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  08/27/2016 NT Legislative Assembly - Arnhem Won 64.34% (+28.67%)
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