Affiliation | Republican |
Name | Robert Young |
Address | Laingsburg, Michigan 48848, United States |
Email | None |
Website | [Link] |
Born |
June 13, 1951 |
Died |
Still Living
(73 years) |
Contributor | RBH |
Last Modifed | 00 Sep 09, 2017 01:50pm |
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Info | In April 2017, former Chief Justice Bob Young retired from the Michigan Supreme Court after 18 years of service. He is now running for United States Senate to retire Debbie Stabenow and disrupt the status quo of D.C. politicians.
As a Justice, Bob was a fierce defender of the Rule of Law, insisting that judges follow and apply the law, not make it. During his tenure, the Michigan Supreme Court was recognized as being one of the nation’s best. His staunch Rule of Law reputation even caught the eye of President Trump who placed Young on the list of judges from which the President pledged to select Justices for the United States Supreme Court.
Bob was reelected to the Court three times and was the longest serving Chief Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court. As Chief Justice, he transformed Michigan’s court system into a more efficient and customer-focused institution. Bob developed a strategic plan to promote initiatives to measure judicial performance, track public satisfaction, adopt best practices, and implement technologies to expand public access, increase efficiency and boost productivity of trial courts. These reforms were widely praised and cited as one of the reasons the Detroit News named him Michiganian of the Year in 2016.
During his tenure as Chief Justice, Bob also persuaded the Legislature to “right size” Michigan’s judiciary so that it cost citizens no more than necessary for the efficient administration of justice.
As a result, the Legislature voted to cut 40 judgeships over time. Since 2010, 26 of those judgeships have been cut, saving taxpayers nearly $15 million to date.
Former Chief Justice Young grew up in Detroit and graduated from Harvard College and Harvard Law School. Bob has been active in and lead many civic and community organizations including service as a Trustee for the Detroit Institute for Children and Trustee for the Greater Detroit Chamber of Commerce.
Bob has been married for 42 years to his college sweetheart and has two adult sons.
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