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  Shadduck-McNally, Jody
NameJody Shadduck-McNally
Address802 South County Road 23E
Loveland, Colorado , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedBrentinCO
Jan 08, 2020 02:01am
InfoOur family has called Larimer County home since 2000. Born and raised in Northern Colorado, I knew I wanted my husband and I to raise our three children with the same values and outdoor experiences. My husband of 25 years works in Larimer County in the medical field, our oldest son attends graduate school at Colorado State University, our younger son attends the University of Colorado, Boulder studying physics, and our daughter is a student in the Thompson School District. I am fortunate to have my extended family living nearby throughout Larimer County.

I am extremely grateful to raise our family in unincorporated Larimer County where the quality of life is wonderful and opportunities bountiful. We choose to plant our roots here for our family and for our future. As we raise our children, we are growing our careers and our small family farm of hens, hops, honey, and our dogs.
My grandparents moved from the Midwest after a vacation to Estes Park. Once they saw the beauty of the Rocky Mountains, they found new jobs and moved the family to northern Colorado. My grandparents were teachers and mechanics and taught me the value of hard work, service, and integrity. My parents and grandparents taught me to treasure Rocky Mountain National Park with monthly visits for picnics for most of my life.

I remember growing up being taught the value of service. I watched my grandfather drive cancer patients to Denver for chemotherapy treatments, and fondly remember visiting nursing homes with my parents to bring May Day baskets. My family worked hard for me to attend college so that I could have a prosperous future, and my husband and I have been determined to help our children have the same quality of life or better.


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/05/2024 Larimer County - Commissioner - District 3 Won 54.82% (+9.63%)
  11/03/2020 Larimer County - Commissioner - District 3 Won 52.63% (+5.27%)
  06/30/2020 Larimer County - Commissioner - District 3 - D Primary Won 76.59% (+53.17%)
  11/08/2016 CO State House 51 Lost 39.28% (-21.45%)
CO State House 53 - Appointment - Apr 24, 2021 D Andrew Boesenecker
Fort Collins CO Council - District 3 - Apr 06, 2021 N Tricia Canonico
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