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  Harris Jr., William A.
NameWilliam A. Harris Jr.
Linwood, Kansas , United States
Born October 29, 1841
Died December 20, 1909 (68 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedRBH
Dec 27, 2014 01:07pm
InfoARRIS, William Alexander, (son of William Alexander Harris [1805-1864]), a Representative and a Senator from Kansas; born near Luray, Loudoun County, Va., October 29, 1841; attended the common schools; graduated from Columbian College (later George Washington University), Washington, D.C., in 1859 and from the Virginia Military Institute at Lexington in 1861; during the Civil War served three years in the Confederate Army, becoming adjutant general, and later ordnance officer in the Army of Northern Virginia; moved to Kansas in 1865 and was employed as a civil engineer in the construction of the Union Pacific Railroad until 1868; moved to Lawrence, Kans., in 1868; appointed agent for the railroad companies in the sale of the Delaware Reservation and other lands; moved to Linwood, Leavenworth County, in 1884 and engaged in agricultural pursuits and stock raising; elected as a Populist to the Fifty-third Congress (March 4, 1893-March 3, 1895); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1894; member, State senate 1895-1896; elected as a Populist to the United States Senate and served from March 4, 1897, to March 3, 1903; unsuccessful candidate for reelection; resumed his agricultural pursuits; unsuccessful candidate for Governor of Kansas in 1906; died in Chicago, Ill., where he had gone to work with the National Livestock Association, on December 20, 1909; interment in Oak Hill Cemetery, Lawrence, Kans.


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Kansapedia  Discuss
  01/22/1907 KS US Senate Lost 20.65% (-58.06%)
  11/06/1906 KS Governor Lost 47.57% (-0.67%)
  07/09/1904 US Vice President - D Convention Lost 5.80% (-59.60%)
  11/04/1896 KS US Senate Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/06/1894 KS - District At Large Lost 39.01% (-11.40%)
  11/08/1892 KS - District At Large Won 50.72% (+2.72%)
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