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  McLean, John Roll
NameJohn Roll McLean
Cincinnati, Ohio , United States
Born September 17, 1848
Died June 09, 1916 (68 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedChronicler
Jan 03, 2022 06:31pm
InfoWealthy businessman, newspaper publisher.

John Roll McLean
Born: 17 Sep 1848, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, USA

Marriage: Emily Beale

Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: Editor of the Cincinnati Enquirer.

• Census, 1860, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, USA.
Washington McClean, "proprietor of Cinc. Enquirer", 40, is with wife Mary, 32; daughter Mary, 15; Amelia, 13; and John, 11. Mother Mary was born in Kentucky, all others in Ohio. Also living with them are cook Johanna Burke, 30, born in Ireland; and servant Louisa Kinckmeyer, 13, of Ohio. Washington's real estate is worth $56,300 and possessions $5,000.

• Census, 1870, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, USA. Washington McClean, editor, 51, is with wife Mary L., 42; daughter Mildred, 23; and John R., 20. All were born in Ohio except Mary L. in Kentucky.

In the same home are Alexander Bugher, occupation "none", 39; Mary McLean Bugher, 25; John Bugher, occupation "S. B. Club", 30, and three Irish-born servants: Johanna Burke, 40; Kate McCarter, 30; and Anna McCarty, 24.

Washington's real estate is valued at $35,000 and possessions $145,000, while wife Mary L. has real estate worth $65,000. Son John R. has possessions worth $10,000. Alexander Bugher has real estate worth $5,000 and possessions worth $50,000, and John Bugher has possessions worth $10,000.

[Note: Alexander Bugher above is presumed to be the Aaron Bugher who married Mary McLean, Washington's daughter, since they are living together in Washington's home.]

• Occupation: Owner and Publisher of the Washington Post newspaper, 1905-1933, Washington City, District of Columbia County, District of Colombia, USA.

John R. McLean, owner of the Cincinnati Enquirer, bought the newspaper. Under his leadership, The Washington Post increased its circulation and advertising and boosted its profits, but McLean's loyalty to the Democratic party colored his news judgments and caused the paper to lose much of its credibility and influence.

McLean died and his son, Edward, became publisher. A crony of President Warren G. Harding, young McLean switched the paper's allegiance to the Republican party. Circulation dropped, advertising decreased, and finally The Post stumbled into receivership.

On June 1, a public bankruptcy auction was held on the steps of The Post's E Street Building and the newspaper was sold for $825,000 to Eugene Meyer, a California-born financier.

John R. McLean was born on September 17, 1848, in Cincinnati, Ohio. The same year that McLean was born, his father, Washington McLean, acquired the Cincinnati Enquirer, a local newspaper. The paper was a major voice for the Democratic Party. Washington McLean served only as the owner of the paper. He was never a journalist or an editor.

John McLean originally considered a legal career, but upon graduating from Harvard University, he took a position with the Enquirer. He slowly taught himself the newspaper business, including the skills necessary to become a respected reporter. In 1881, McLean became the sole owner of the Enquirer. Under his leadership, the Enquirer's circulation increased from sixteen thousand to ninety thousand papers. McLean also acquired the Washington Post, one of the United States' leading newspapers during this era as well as today.

McLean also participated in the political arena. He generally supported the Democratic Party. He strongly opposed Ohioan George H. Pendleton's attempts to reform civil service. McLean received the Democratic Party's nomination for the United States Senate in 1885 and for the Ohio governor's seat in 1899. He lost both elections. McLean died on June 9, 1916.

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