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  Schlafly, Phyllis
NamePhyllis Schlafly
Ladue, Missouri , United States
Born August 14, 1924
Died September 05, 2016 (92 years)
Contributoreddy 9_99
Last ModifedRob Ritchie
Apr 30, 2024 09:21pm
Tags Caucasian - Scottish - Widowed - Catholic - Christian - Straight -
InfoPhyllis Schlafly was named one of the 100 most important women of the 20th century by the Ladies' Home Journal. She has been a national leader of the conservative movement since the publication of her best-selling 1964 book, A Choice Not An Echo, and a leader of the pro-family movement since 1972, when she started her national volunteer organization now called Eagle Forum.
Mrs. Schlafly is the founder and president of Eagle Forum, a national organization of citizens who participate as volunteers in the public policymaking process. It maintains offices on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. and in Alton, Illinois. She is also the founder and president of Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund, a think-tank which has its national headquarters at the Eagle Forum Education Center in St. Louis.

Books: Mrs. Schlafly is the author or editor of 20 books on subjects as varied as family and feminism (The Power of the Positive Woman), nuclear strategy (Strike From Space and Kissinger on the Couch), education (Child Abuse in the Classroom), child care (Who Will Rock the Cradle?), and foreign policy (Allegiance). Her two most recent books are the result of her lifetime dedication to the problem of illiteracy and are based on a phonics system she developed to teach reading skills. First Reader (1994) is designed for the beginning child, and Turbo Reader (2001) is a revised version for the student of any age.

Other Writings: Mrs. Schlafly's newsletter called The Phyllis Schlafly Report has been published monthly since 1967 and is now in its 38th year. Her syndicated columns, distributed by Copley News Service since 1976, appear in 100 newspapers. She wrote a monthly article for the DAR Magazine from 1977 to 1995. Her articles have appeared in a variety of anthologies and other periodicals including the Radcliffe Quarterly, the Wall Street Journal, George, and Human Events.

Radio: Mrs. Schlafly's 3-minutes-a-day 5-days-a-week radio commentaries (running since 1983) are heard daily on 460 stations, and her radio talk show on education called "Phyllis Schlafly Live" (running since 1989) is heard weekly on Saturdays on 45 stations. Both series can be heard on Eagle Forum's website: www.eagleforum.org. Mrs. Schlafly's radio career began in the 1970s when she was a regular semi-weekly CBS commentator on the Spectrum series (1973-1978), and for WBBM Chicago (1973-1975). For four years in the 1960s, she was the speaker on a 15-minute weekly statewide radio program sponsored by the Illinois Daughters of the American Revolution.

Television: Mrs. Schlafly did weekly television commentaries on the CBS Morning News, 1974-1975, and on CNN, 1980-83. She has also written and produced several documentary videos on such issues as American inventors, education, and treaties. She has appeared on almost every network news and public affairs program.

Legal: Mrs. Schlafly is an attorney admitted to the practice of law in Illinois, Missouri, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Supreme Court. She served (with the late Chief Justice Warren Burger) as a member of the Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution, 1985-1991, appointed by President Reagan. She has testified before more than 50 Congressional and State Legislative committees on constitutional, national defense, foreign policy, education, tax, encryption, and family issues. She served five terms as a member of the Illinois Commission on the Status of Women, 1975-1985, appointed by the Illinois Legislature. She served as a member of the Administrative Conference of the United States, 1983-1986. She has filed several amicus curiae briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal.

Education: Mrs. Schlafly received her B.A. from Washington University in St. Louis in 1944 (Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Sigma Alpha, Final Honors). She worked her way through college on the night shift at the St. Louis Ordnance Plant testing ammunition by firing rifles and machine guns and as a laboratory technician investigating misfires. She received her Master's in Government from Harvard University in 1945. She received her J.D. from Washington University Law School in 1978.

Family: Mrs. Schlafly was the 1992 Illinois Mother of the Year. She and her late husband of 44 years are the parents of six children (John, Bruce, Roger, Liza, Andrew, and Anne) and 14 grandchildren. She taught all her children to read before they entered school and all had outstanding academic success: three lawyers, one physician, one Ph.D. mathematician, and one businesswoman.

Political Activism: In a ten-year battle, Mrs. Schlafly led the pro-family movement to victory over the principal legislative goal of the radical feminists, called the Equal Rights Amendment. She assembled the movement called Stop ERA. She is America's most articulate and successful opponent of the radical feminist movement. She has appeared on virtually every national television and radio talk show and has lectured or debated on more than 500 college and university campuses. Other political battles she led and won defeating the national movement in the 1980s to call a new Constitutional Convention.

Republican: Mrs. Schlafly's lifetime hobby has been politics, starting with working as campaign manager for a successful Republican candidate for Congress in St. Louis in 1946. She has served as an elected Delegate to six Republican National Conventions: 1956, 1964, 1968, 1984, 1988, 1992; and as an elected Alternate Delegate to three other Republican National Conventions: 1960, 1980, and 2000. She has attended and played an active role in every Republican National Convention since 1952. Her 1964 book A Choice Not an Echo is a history of Republican National Conventions. She was three times elected President of the Illinois Federation of Republican Women, 1960-64, and was elected First Vice President, National Federation of Republican Women (1964-1967). She was a candidate for Congress from Illinois in 1952 and in 1970, in two different districts. She received numerous awards for volunteer service to the Republican Party.

DAR: Phyllis Schlafly served five terms as National Chairman of National Defense for the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution (1977- 80, 1983-95). Previously, she served as National Chairman of American History Month (1965-68) and as National Chairman of the Bicentennial Committee (1967-70). A DAR member of Ninian Edwards Chapter in Alton, Illinois since the 1950s, she served two terms as Chapter Regent and is now Honorary Chapter Regent. She served two terms as Illinois State Chairman of National Defense and one term as Illinois State Recording Secretary and Editor of the State Yearbook.

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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Sep 06, 2016 09:55am Obituary Phyllis Schlafly, towering social conservative figure, dies at 92  Article RP 
Dec 05, 2011 05:00pm News Phyllis Schlafly Backs Michele Bachmann for President  Article John 
Mar 29, 2007 11:00am General Schlafly cranks up agitation at Bates College  Article DFWDem 

  11/03/1970 IL District 23 Lost 46.03% (-7.93%)
  11/08/1960 IL District 24 Lost 27.78% (-44.43%)
  04/12/1960 IL District 24 - R Primary Won 10.81% (-78.38%)
  11/04/1952 IL District 24 Lost 35.20% (-29.60%)
OK District 2 - R Runoff - Aug 28, 2012 R George E. Faught
IN US Senate - R Primary - May 08, 2012 R Richard Mourdock
UT - District 02 - R Convention - Apr 21, 2012 R Cherilyn Eagar
MO US President - R Primary - Feb 07, 2012 R Rick Santorum
US President - R Primaries - Jun 26, 2012 R Michele Bachmann
US President - R Primaries - Jun 26, 2012 R Rick Santorum
FL Attorney General - R Primary - Aug 24, 2010 R Jeff Kottkamp
KS US Senate - R Primary - Aug 03, 2010 R Todd Tiahrt
NV US Senate - R Primary - Jun 08, 2010 R Sharron Angle
UT US Senate - R Convention - May 08, 2010 R Cherilyn Eagar
IL Governor - R Primary - Mar 21, 2006 R Jim Oberweis
NJ US Senate - R Primary - Jun 07, 2000 LBT Murray Sabrin
GA Lt. Governor - R Primary - Jul 21, 1998 R Pam Glanton
US President - R Primaries - Jul 07, 1996 R Patrick J. "Pat" Buchanan
FL Governor - R Primary - Sep 08, 1994 R Kenneth L. "Ken" Connor
TX US Senate - Special - May 01, 1993 R Joe L. Barton
ID District 2 - R Primary - May 26, 1992 R Gary Glenn
IL Governor- R Primary - Mar 20, 1990 R Steven Baer
IL Lt. Governor - R Primary - Mar 16, 1982 R George Ryan
US President - R Primaries - Jun 06, 1972 R John M. Ashbrook
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