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  Naughton, Shaughnessy
NameShaughnessy Naughton
AddressPO Box 751
Doylestown, Pennsylvania 18901, United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedRP
Mar 05, 2015 01:54pm
InfoShaughnessy was born and raised in Point Pleasant, Bucks County. Growing up one of five children, Shaughnessy learned the value of hard work having seen the struggles of the middle class up close. One of her earliest memories was going to work with her mother, who cleaned homes to help support the family.

After graduating from high school at 16 Shaughnessy attended Bryn Mawr College. During her time there she was awarded a prestigious grant to help develop a new synthesis of a drug to treat breast cancer. Her research eventually led to Phase III clinical testing. After graduating from college with a degree in Chemistry, Shaughnessy worked at Wyeth Laboratories as a key member of the infectious disease research group. Her work in drug discovery and design led to a number of U.S. patents.

Like many small businesses, Shaughnessy’s family’s publishing business was faced with hard times in 2003 and so she stepped in to save the family business. She cut wasteful spending, streamlined processes, and embraced 21st century technology. Under Shaughnessy’s leadership the company thrived and expanded. Shaughnessy’s experience as a small business owner has provided her with a unique ability to balance short-term losses and long-term growth. She understands what it means to balance a budget, make a payroll and create jobs.

As a scientist Shaughnessy knows how important government funding is to basic scientific research. If the United States is going to create the jobs and industries of the future, as well as dealing with pressing issues such as climate change, we need to increase our investment in science, not cut research budgets. Unfortunately not many politicians come from scientific backgrounds and don’t fully appreciate how critical steady funding is to the long term health of our economy. Shaughnessy founded 314 PAC to help support and encourage more scientists to run for public office.

She is a proud aunt of fifteen nieces and nephews, who often visit the family home she grew up in. Shaughnessy is passionate about caring for animals and has two dogs and a cat. In Congress Shaughnessy will fight for the middle class so that everyone has a chance to achieve the American Dream.


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  04/26/2016 PA District 08 - D Primary Lost 40.18% (-19.64%)
  05/20/2014 PA District 08 - D Primary Lost 48.87% (-2.27%)
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