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  Spallone, James Field
NameJames Field Spallone
Essex, Connecticut , United States
Born March 03, 1965
Died Still Living (59 years)
ContributorJoshua L.
Last Modifededdy 9_99
Jun 23, 2010 09:18pm
InfoJames Field Spallone was first elected state representative from the 36th District in 2000 and re-elected on November 5, 2002. The 36th District includes all of Chester, Deep River, Essex and Haddam. James is vice-chair of the Government Administrations and Elections Committee, and also serves on the Judiciary and Planning and Development Committees.

James was born on March 3, 1965; he grew up in Deep River, where his parents have lived for over fifty years. He attended local public schools?Deep River Elementary, John Winthrop Junior High School and Valley Regional High School. He graduated as valedictorian from Valley Regional in 1983.

James received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts in 1987. He spent his junior year at Oxford University in England.

After college, James worked on a presidential campaign in New Hampshire, and then spent a year and a half working as a staff assistant to Democratic National Chairmen Paul G. Kirk, Jr. and Ronald H. Brown in Washington, D.C. James worked at the 1988 Democratic National Convention, and served as a field organizer in Eastern Connecticut during that year?s fall campaign.

In 1989, James entered the University of Connecticut School of Law. He earned a place on the Connecticut Journal of International Law, a law review, and served as an associate editor. James studied English law and European Community law for a semester at the University of Exeter, England during law school. He graduated from UConn Law in 1992.

James served as a law clerk to the Honorable William J. Lavery of the Connecticut Appellate Court for the 1992-93 term. He is currently practicing with the firm of Gould, Larson, Bennet, Wells and McDonnell in Essex. He specializes in civil and criminal litigation.

James has been involved in local civic matters since childhood, when he volunteered to help with local campaigns. James was a member of the Deep River Democratic Town Committee for several years, serving a chairman from 1996-99. He has been a member of the Essex Democratic Town Committee since 1999.

James was raised in a tradition of public service. His mother, Jeanne Field Spallone, an assistant to the later Governor Chester Bowles of Essex, was elected state representative and served as Deep River Probate Judge for four terms. His father, Daniel F. Spallone, has served as a judge of Connecticut?s courts for over thirty years, including several years on our Appellate Court.

James and his wife, Alix, also a lawyer, live in Essex.

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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/02/2010 CT State House 036 Won 58.29% (+16.59%)
  11/04/2008 CT State House 036 Won 68.03% (+36.06%)
  01/03/2007 Assistant Majority Leader Won 5.56% (+0.00%)
  11/07/2006 CT State House 036 Won 65.94% (+31.88%)
  11/02/2004 CT State House 036 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/05/2002 CT State House 036 Won 54.38% (+8.77%)
  11/07/2000 CT State House 036 Won 53.77% (+7.54%)
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