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  Bernardi, Romolo "Roy" Albert
NameRomolo "Roy" Albert Bernardi
Syracuse, New York , United States
Born October 14, 1942
Died Still Living (82 years)
Contributoreddy 9_99
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Nov 30, 2015 09:11pm
Tags Italian -
InfoRoy A. Bernardi is the Assistant Secretary of Community Planning and Development (CPD), Department of Housing and Urban Development. CPD seeks to develop viable communities by promoting integrated approaches that provide decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expand economic opportunities for low and moderate income persons. The primary means towards this end is the development of partnerships among all levels of government and the private sector, including for-profit and non-profit organizations.

Prior to joining the Bush Administration, Mr. Bernardi was the 51st Mayor of the City of Syracuse, New York.

During his tenure as Mayor, Bernardi, a previous five term City Auditor, overhauled municipal financial services, eliminated duplicative departmental functions, and streamlined governmental operations resulting in significant annual budgetary savings. Maintaining his commitment to right-sizing municipal government and eliminating intergovernmental duplication, Mayor Bernardi became the first Mayor in the Northeastern United States to contractually merge a large city police department with those of suburban small villages, allowing for increased services and significant cost savings.

A promoter of urban neighborhoods, Mayor Bernardi implemented a number
of new initiatives to improve the quality of life within Syracuse. Along with the men and women of the Syracuse Police Department, Mayor Bernardi worked to bring the number of violent crimes to their lowest levels this decade. With the Department of Parks, Recreation and Youth Programs, Mayor Bernardi expanded opportunities for youth, initiating after school tutoring programs, offering new recreational activities and summer camps, and outfitting neighborhood centers with computers. Using aggressive code enforcement strategies, the Mayor initiated a nationally recognized slum landlord program for chronic offenders and implemented the first-of-its kind landlord training and assistance program to clean-up neighborhood eyesores.

Mayor Bernardi aggressively courted new employers to the Greater Syracuse area. Downtown Syracuse witnessed significant revitalization under the pro-growth policies of the Bernardi administration, and the Mayor was successful in bringing major employees to downtown Syracuse and reopening many of the once shuttered storefronts throughout the center city.

Besides his past work as City Auditor, Mayor Bernardi's professional career
includes service as a public high school Spanish teacher and guidance
counselor. He and his wife, Alice are the parents of two children, Dante and Bianca.

The Mayor is the 1996 recipient of the Joseph J. Pietrafesa Memorial Award
sponsored by the Columbus Monument Association and was Temple Adath Yeshurun's Citizen of the Year for 1997. He is the 1994 recipient of the Columbus Award for Achievement by the National Italian American Bar Association. He has been inducted into the Syracuse University chapter of the Golden Key Honor Society, and, along with his wife Alice, been honored by the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Central New York.

Mayor Bernardi is the past President of the New York State Conference of Mayors.

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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/21/2004 Deputy Secretary of Housing & Urban Development Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/04/1997 Syracuse NY Mayor Won 62.86% (+28.81%)
  11/02/1993 Syracuse NY Mayor Won 62.35% (+24.70%)
  11/05/1985 Syracuse NY Mayor Lost 43.13% (-9.66%)
  09/10/1985 Syracuse NY Mayor - R Primary Won 68.87% (+37.74%)
  11/03/1981 Syracuse NY Mayor Lost 44.36% (-4.96%)
  09/10/1981 Syracuse NY Mayor - R Primary Won 79.88% (+59.75%)
  11/07/1978 NY District 33 Lost 39.53% (-16.42%)
  09/12/1978 NY District 33 - D Primary Won 69.45% (+38.90%)
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