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  Dunn, Art
NameArt Dunn
Address1028 W. Franklin St.
Monterey, California 93940, United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
ContributorUser 13
Last ModifedDavid
Dec 03, 2023 05:58pm
InfoArthur Vincent "Art" Dunn

During the depression of the 1930s we had 12 million people unemployed. During those years of hardship we were told we didn't have the money to put these millions of people to work. States, counties and municipalities cut jobs to balance their budgets as is being done today.

But suddenly, one day we put all these people to work in short order. That day was December 7th, 1941. We produced hundreds of thousands of tanks, guns, ships and airplanes to win WWII and we also rebuilt Europe afterwards with the Marshall Plan.

Today we have eight million people unemployed and we are told that we don't have the money to put them to work. What is wrong here? We found the money to win WWII. Are we supposed to let eight million people go begging because our national leadership and the congress haven't the gumption to reorganize our financial system as we did in the 1940s to win the war? Must we continue to blow up bubbles on Wall Street and ignore jobs for Main Street?

Our unemployed instead of drawing unemployment checks should be drawing paychecks from good jobs rebuilding our water systems, our electrical grid, and new modem high speed mass transit systems, as well as other needed infrastructure projects. And they should be put to work on these projects tomorrow morning so we can produce our way back to full employment as we did in the 1940's.

On December 7th,1941 we got action from Congress Today we get excuses. It's that same old song and dance they gave us in the 1930s. "We don't have the money." On December 7th, 1941 we found the money and we could do the same thing tomorrow morning if the Congress had the political will to do so.

It's time for a change!


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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  06/05/2012 CA - District 20 - Open Primary Lost 3.83% (-60.54%)
  06/08/2010 CA District 17 - D Primary Lost 11.21% (-77.58%)
  03/02/2004 CA District 17 - D Primary Lost 8.98% (-82.04%)
  03/05/2002 CA District 17 - D Primary Lost 8.90% (-82.20%)
  03/07/2000 CA District 17 - Blanket Primary Lost 1.55% (-55.17%)
  06/02/1998 CA District 17 - Blanket Primary Lost 4.89% (-55.23%)
  03/26/1996 CA District 17 - D Primary Lost 10.08% (-77.65%)
  06/07/1994 CA District 17 - D Primary Lost 19.42% (-61.15%)
  04/13/1993 CA District 17 - Special Election Primary Lost 0.11% (-25.66%)
  06/02/1992 CA District 17 - D Primary Lost 14.10% (-71.80%)
  06/05/1990 CA District 16 - D Primary Lost 6.93% (-86.15%)
  06/07/1988 CA District 16 - D Primary Lost 5.00% (-89.99%)
  06/03/1986 CA District 16 - D Primary Lost 5.98% (-88.04%)
CA US President - D Primary - Mar 02, 2004 D Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
VA US Senate - Nov 05, 2002 D Nancy B. Spannaus
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