Affiliation | African National Congress |
Name | Lindiwe Hendricks |
Address | , , South Africa |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
July 29, 1957 |
Died |
Still Living
(67 years) |
Contributor | IndyGeorgia |
Last Modifed | IndyGeorgia Mar 18, 2015 04:35pm |
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Info | Positions last held in government
Ms Lindiwe Benedicta Hendricks served as Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry of the Republic of South Africa during the period 22 May 2006 until 10 May 2009; as a Minister of Minerals and Energy of the Republic of South Africa from 22 June 2005 until 22 May 2006; and as a Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry of the Republic of South Africa from 17 June 1999 until 21 June 2005.
Academic Qualifications
Ms Hendricks holds B Proc Degree from University of Fort Hare 1981; and LLB Degree from University of Fort Hare 1983. She also obtained a Diploma in Management from Rhodes University in 1992. She attended Secondary Education at St. Mary's Entshongweni in Durban and matriculated at Ohlange High School, Inanda in Durban.
Career/Positions/Memberships/Other Activities
Ms Hendricks served articles of clerkship with Simelane and Co Attorneys, and with Magqabia and Co from 1983 until 1985. She was admitted as an Attorney in December 1985 and she established a firm of Attorneys, Ngwane and Ngwane in Durban in Partnership in 1986.
She served as a professional Assistant with Attorneys Qabaka and Co during the period 1986 to 1988; and she started to practice for own account as Ngwane and Ngwane Attorneys in 1988 and she was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court in 1995.
Ms Hendricks joined East London Youth Congress in 1984 and she became an Executive member of the 1st Mdantsane Residents Association in 1985. She also joined the African National Congress (ANC) and over the years held the positions of Branch Secretary, Branch Deputy Chairperson and Branch Treasurer at Mdantsane and East London.
She also served as a National Deputy President of National Association of Democratic Lawyers (NADEL) and she became a member of Parliament in 1994 until 1999. During that period she served as a member of the Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development Committee; Constitutional Affairs Committee and the Ad Hoc Committee on the quality of the life and status of women and member of the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence.
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