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  Steele, Victoria
NameVictoria Steele
Address5205 N. Genematas Dr
Tucson, Arizona , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Jun 03, 2016 07:03pm
Info “I‘m proud to say I have lived and worked in Arizona for more than 25 years. It‘s one of the most beautiful places on earth, incredibly diverse in both people and landscape. I love Arizona and our people. What is happening in our state‘s capitol is not representative of who we are. I‘m running to help strike a balance in the house and to give a voice to those who don‘t have one.”

Victoria is a moderate Democrat with experience as a business owner, a counselor, a faculty member at the University of Phoenix, and a television and radio news broadcaster.

As a former newscaster and reporter, her honed skills as a communicator will create a positive impact in our State House. She will bring back consensus through relationship building.

As a business owner, Victoria understands the risks and challenges involved in starting and growing a business.

As a counselor in private practice she brings an empathy and understanding of Arizona’s people – their struggles, hopes, and dreams – to the Arizona House of Representatives. She will be the voice for those who currently have none, and an advocate for effective and lasting resolutions to the issues facing our state today.

As a college instructor, she understands the value of motivation, empowerment and the responsibility for ensuring our futures.

Victoria believes in continuing the investment in the education of our children, preserving our world-renowned environment, and creating a sustainable economy for all Arizonans. To get Arizona back on track she will focus on Employment, Education, and Environment. These tough times will be seen as an opportunity for positive change.

She is the hard-working problem-solver, dynamic leader and compassionate visionary we need in the State House.


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/03/2020 AZ State Senate 09 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/06/2018 AZ State Senate 09 Won 62.76% (+25.52%)
  08/28/2018 AZ State Senate 09 - D Primary Won 82.20% (+64.40%)
  08/30/2016 AZ District 02 - D Primary Lost 47.23% (-5.54%)
  11/04/2014 AZ State House 09 Won 33.51% (+0.37%)
  11/06/2012 AZ State House 09 Won 35.05% (+1.56%)
  08/28/2012 AZ State House 09 - D Primary Won 35.74% (+0.62%)
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