Affiliation | Democratic |
Name | William R. Smith |
Address | 24721 State Rt. 772 Waverly, Ohio 45690, United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
Unknown |
Died |
Still Living
(2025 years) |
Contributor | TX DEM |
Last Modifed | Paul Sep 13, 2016 03:10am |
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Info | A 61-year-old former postal worker from the small town of Waverly, Smith says he made less than $15,000 last year driving a truck. His reasons for running are a "long complicated story," he said.
His issues: the mistreatment of veterans by the Department of Veterans Affairs, tighter regulation of the mortgage industry, and federal rules on how long truckers can drive before they have to rest. All, he said, are informed by his family's own experiences.
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