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  Johnson, Ann Elizabeth
NameAnn Elizabeth Johnson
Houston, Texas , United States
Born August 13, 1974
Died Still Living (51 years)
Contributoreddy 9_99
Last ModifedRBH
Jan 22, 2021 01:45am
Tags Married - Lesbian -
InfoAbout Ann

Ann Johnson is running for State Representative to fix our broken education system and fight for the kinds of jobs that allow us to send kids to college, buy a home, start a business and provide for a secure retirement.

Fighting to Take Texas from Worst to First

Ann won’t stop fighting for Texans until Texas goes from worst to first – in education, economic opportunity and access to affordable health care.

Texas ranks dead last in adults with a high school diploma, 45th in SAT scores and 43rd in high school graduation rates – and that was before our legislature cut $5.4 billion from public education. Today, Texas has the highest percentage of residents and the highest percentage of children living without health insurance in America.

Without new leadership in Austin, Texas faces the very real possibility that our next generation will be less educated, less employable and less prosperous than we are today.

Advocate, Educator, Former Prosecutor

Ann is an attorney who represents children, an adjunct professor of law at South Texas College of Law and a former prosecutor. She took on Texas’ criminal justice system to protect children from exploitation and human trafficking. She fought all the way to the Texas Supreme Court – and won a landmark victory that has become a model for other states.

In private practice, Ann represents child victims of harassment and bullying in schools and is often appointed to represent children, including in two of the newly created alternative courts: the Harris County Mental Health Court and Growing Independence Restoring Lives (GIRLS) Court.

Ann is also a survivor. Ann fought cancer and won – and she’ll stand up to fiscally irresponsible, partisan attacks on health care for women and all Texas families.

Dedicated to Family and Service

Ann’s Houston roots are deep and distinguished. Her father is former local State Representative and attorney Jake Johnson, who served as a United States Marine Corp pilot, and taught school at Jones High School. Her mother is former Civil District Judge Carolyn Marks Johnson, who taught at Alvin Community College, the University of Houston as a teaching fellow and South Texas College of Law.

Her brother served as a United States Naval Aviator and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross during Desert Storm. Her sister Jennifer worked for the Houston Food Bank and is the former Director of Youth Ministry at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church. Ann’s sister Cheryl is a banker; Cynthia is a mechanical engineer and Frances works for a public school district.

Ann manages the family law practice. She and her partner Sonya live in the district and attend St. Paul’s United Methodist Church.

A Champion for a Sustainable Future for all Texans

Ann is running for State Representatives to fight for common-sense solutions that create educational opportunity and a sustainable future for all Texans. As an advocate for children, Ann made Texas laws work to keep our children safe. As our District 134 representative, Ann will make our laws work for all of us.

“I’ve dedicated my life to quality education, community safety and the protection of children,” Ann says. “I’ll work hard to earn your vote to be your voice in Austin.”


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/05/2024 TX State House 134 Won 61.33% (+22.67%)
  11/08/2022 TX State House 134 Won 61.56% (+24.43%)
  11/03/2020 TX State House 134 Won 52.27% (+4.53%)
  03/03/2020 TX State House 134 - D Primary Won 68.46% (+48.87%)
  11/06/2012 TX State House 134 Lost 45.36% (-9.28%)
  05/29/2012 TX State House 134- D Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
TX District 32 - D Primary - Mar 05, 2024 D Julie Johnson
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