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  Greenfield, David "Dave"
NameDavid "Dave" Greenfield
, Saskatchewan , Canada
Born 00, 1967
Died Still Living (58 years)
ContributorThe Oncoming Storm
Last ModifedThe Oncoming Storm
Jun 15, 2004 06:01pm
InfoDave Greenfield was born in 1967 and grew up in Saskatoon. As a young person in the 1980's he became interested in issues of peace, ecology and social justice. Over the past twenty years, he has participated in a wide variety of activist organizations and involved himself in a variety of social and ecological issues.

In the late 1980's and 1990's, he joined with those opposing the nuclear industry in Saskatchewan, stopping the construction of nuclear reactors and nuclear waste dumps, but failing to stop the expansion of uranium mining. During these years, he also helped initiate and maintain the LETS barter system, as an example of community-based economics.

More recently, as a poet and singer-songwriter, he helped found the Who on Earth Music and Art Collective, and produced three somewhat modest benefit cd's featuring local performers for local activist organizations.

He has also participated in the fight against genetically engineered food, and has marched against the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) and the Group of Eight, (G8).

As a candidate for the Green Party, he envisions an economy based on renewable energy, organic food production, labor-intensive forms of forestry, and the general wise use of the earth's resources, an economy which would create jobs and at the same time eliminate our destructive impact on the rest of the biosphere.

[from candidate's website on 15 June 2004]

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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  09/20/2021 SK Parliament - Saskatoon West Lost 1.05% (-44.30%)
  10/26/2020 SK Provincial Legislature - Saskatoon Willowgrove Lost 1.79% (-64.59%)
  06/28/2004 SK Parliament - Saskatoon–Wanuskewin Lost 2.96% (-43.68%)
  11/05/2003 SK Provincial Legislature - Saskatoon Meewasin Lost 0.97% (-39.92%)
  11/27/2000 SK Parliament - Saskatoon–Wanuskewin Lost 1.21% (-51.36%)
  11/15/1999 SK Parliament - Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar - By-Election Lost 1.12% (-39.48%)
  09/16/1999 SK Provincial Legislature - Saskatoon Meewasin Lost 3.62% (-40.57%)
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