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  Miller, Chris
NameChris Miller
Address260 Craft Lane
Carbondale, Illinois 62902, United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Dec 25, 2011 01:43am
Tags Caucasian - Army -
InfoI served nine years in the U.S. Army as an expert in the military effects of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), including two tours in Baghdad, Iraq where I helped to screen Iraqi Police candidates and served as an advisor to an Iraqi Army unit. I led and participated in multiple counter-insurgency and combat logistical operations. I was awarded the Purple Heart, Combat Action Badge, and 4 Army Commendation Medals among, other awards. During my service, I was stationed in Missouri, Washington, Germany, Kuwait, and Iraq. After leaving active duty, I served two more years in Kuwait as a military contractor working with military small arms.

I hold a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B), with Honors, studying criminal, civil, constitutional, administrative, and property and trusts law, from the Open University. I have in-depth knowledge of British and European Community law. I worked with commercial and private clients as a legal assistant at a small firm in Berlin, Germany.

As an Energy Security Advocate for Operation Free and National Security Fellow with the Truman National Security Project, I have extensive experience speaking with the public, the media, and elected officials on national security issues, especially relating to energy independence and security. My media and written work has appeared on/in Fox News, The Guardian, Progressive Fix, and The Moderate Voice, among other media outlets. I am a regular contributor to the U.S. news and commentary site PolicyMic. I am also a policy advisor and advocate with Veterans V.I.P., an organization that seeks to ensure veterans’ voices are heard on the important issues of the day and to provide a platform to get those opinions out to the people, media, and other stakeholders.

I am also a pround member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), The American Legion, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, VoteVets.org, and Operation Free.

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  11/06/2018 Madison County, IL Treasurer Lost 45.57% (-8.86%)
  03/20/2012 IL District 12 - D Primary Lost 22.61% (-47.22%)
IL District 12 - D Primary - Mar 20, 2012 D Brad Harriman
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