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  Recker, John Christopher
NameJohn Christopher Recker
, Ontario , Canada
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Sep 24, 2011 05:14pm
InfoJohn Recker is a 31 year-old with a lifelong commitment to community. Born and raised in Windsor, Ontario, John was active in Scouting and became fluent in both official languages. While working as a machinist and studying psychology and sociology at the University of Windsor John discovered his passion for criminal justice and became involved with the St. Leonard’s Society and other community organizations. He continued both his studies and community involvement at Queen’s University before settling in the Danforth area in Toronto 5 years ago.

John continues to develop his knowledge and exercise his passion; he is a halfway house counselor with the St. Leonard’s Society of Toronto and is pursuing the Criminal Justice Certificate at George Brown College. A man of many talents, John is also a skilled, professional mason, carpenter and chef.
Why Are You Running?:

Like many others who have joined the Libertarian Party, I became disillusioned with the lack of any REAL choice in our political process. I feel it is imperative to offer an alternative to the current mainstream, where all the major parties are singing the same song, albeit in slightly different keys. I am thrilled at the opportunity to represent the Libertarian Party – a party that is actually committed to facilitating a just and voluntary society free of the violence inherent in large governments - in the upcoming election. Let's send a message to Queen's Park that the status quo just wont do anymore.
Your Top Issue:
Crime Prevention
Issue Details:
We deserve a police force and judicial system that are accountable and help the people who pay for them. The increasingly "tough on crime" approach to criminal justice legislated at the federal and provincial levels has failed; it has proven to be both financially burdensome and ineffective. Often it creates more problems than it seeks to address. We need to develop and implement evidence-based policies that are humane, effective and just. The role of the State in criminal justice should be limited to protecting life, liberty and property. The multitude of 'victimless crimes' on our books clogs our courts, and needlessly encumbers our police forces. Independent, autonomous non-government and not-for-profit organizations should have a much greater role in the criminal justice process. Crime and its prevention are community issues that are best addressed by the communities they affect. "Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress." Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  03/19/2012 ON Parliament - Toronto—Danforth - By-election Lost 0.41% (-59.03%)
  10/06/2011 ON Legislative Assembly - Toronto—Danforth Lost 1.18% (-52.81%)
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