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  Brownback, Sam
NameSam Brownback
Address2605 SW 21st Street
Topeka, Kansas , United States
Born September 12, 1956
Died Still Living (68 years)
ContributorWishful Thinking
Last ModifedRBH
Oct 14, 2016 10:06pm
Tags Catholic - Christian - Straight -
InfoSamuel Dale Brownback

Sam Brownback has spent his life in the service of others. He was born in Garnett, Kansas and raised on a Linn County farm where his mother and father still live. He was state president of Future Farmers of America, student body president at Kansas State University and president of his class at the University of Kansas Law School.

Over the years, Sam has been a radio broadcaster, attorney, teacher, administrator, congressman and senator.

Sam served as a White House Fellow in the first Bush Administration and was the youngest Secretary of Agriculture in Kansas history. When he was 38, he was elected to the House of Representatives from the 2nd Congressional District covering Eastern Kansas. In 1996, he was elected to the U.S. Senate seat once held by Bob Dole.

In the Senate, Sam is an effective advocate for Kansas interests. From his position on the powerful Appropriations Committee, he has supported vital transportation projects creating thousands of Kansas jobs and improving the competitiveness of Kansas businesses. He has also won significant support for Kansas schools including the National Institute for Aviation Research in Wichita, KU Med Center and the Kansas Polymer Research Center at Pittsburg State University.

In the current Congress, Sam Brownback is the top-ranking Republican on the Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee, which oversees U.S. Department of Agriculture programs as well as food safety and agencies responsible for protection of public health such as the Food and Drug Administration.

As a member of the Homeland Security Subcommittee, Sam's top priority is to insure full support for the National Bio-Agri Defense facility in Kansas. As part of the team that won this competition for Kansas, Sam is now working to see that Kansas reaps the full benefits of this exciting development, new high-paying jobs, value-added research and billions of dollars in long-term economic development.

Sam is pushing for meaningful tax reform and an optional flat tax, a BRAC-like commission to review and terminate failed or completed federal programs, and to build market and consumer based solutions to health care reform. He is a founding member of the Senate Fiscal Watch Team and strongly supports a balanced budget and reform of the earmark and appropriations process. He believes deeply that we must defend traditional marriage, confirm judges who will interpret the law and not legislate from the bench, protect and renew our American culture and defend innocent human life at every stage of development.
Sam and Mary Brownback.

Senator Brownback and his wife Mary have five children; Abby, Andy, Liz, Mark and Jenna. They live in Topeka.


DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know
09/06/2016-09/11/2016 Survey USA 0.00% (+0.0) 0.00% (+0.0) 6.00% (+0.0)
08/22/2016-08/23/2016 Remington Research 21.00% (+0.0) 70.00% (+0.0) 9.00% (-2.0)
07/22/2016-07/24/2016 Fort Hays State University 15.00% (+0.0) 77.00% (+0.0) 9.00% (+0.0)
07/08/2016-07/11/2016 Survey USA 15.00% (-19.0) 77.00% (+33.0) 6.00% (-15.0)
10/09/2014-10/12/2014 Public Policy Polling 38.00% (+2.0) 54.00% (+1.0) 8.00% (-4.0)
10/09/2014-10/12/2014 Remington Research 38.00% (+0.0) 54.00% (+0.0) 11.00% (+0.0)
10/02/2014-10/06/2014 Opinion Research Corporation (CNN) 38.00% (+0.0) 54.00% (+0.0) 3.00% (+0.0)
09/27/2014-10/01/2014 Marist Institute 40.00% (+0.0) 51.00% (+0.0) 9.00% (+0.0)
09/27/2014-10/01/2014 Marist Institute 40.00% (+0.0) 51.00% (+0.0) 9.00% (+0.0)
09/27/2014-09/30/2014 Suffolk University 40.00% (+0.0) 51.00% (+0.0) 9.00% (+0.0)

Title Purchase Contributor
From Power to Purpose: A Remarkable Journey of Faith and Compassion  Purchase Craverguy 

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Jan 29, 2018 01:45pm Event Brownback asks Kansas to fast and pray on his last day in office  Article RP 
Aug 19, 2016 09:30am Report New jobs report is an utter disaster for Kansas and Brownback   Article RP 
Feb 11, 2015 04:45pm Rule Change Kansas Governor Does Away With LGBT Protections  Article RP 
Jan 23, 2012 04:00pm Commentary Gay Sex Still Illegal in Kansas  Article RP 
Nov 25, 2011 10:30am News Brownback Complaint About Student Tweet Lands Kansas Teenager In Principal’s Office  Article RBH 
May 12, 2011 03:00pm General Governor Sam Brownback lays off Kansas Arts Commission staff  Article COSDem 

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KS District 02 - R Primary - Aug 06, 2024 R Jeff Kahrs
KS US President - R Caucuses - Mar 05, 2016 R Marco A. Rubio
KS US Senate - R Primary - Aug 05, 2014 R Pat Roberts
FL US Senate - R Primary - Aug 14, 2012 R David J. "Dave" Weldon
US President - R Primaries - Jun 26, 2012 R Rick Perry
CO US Senate - R Primary - Aug 10, 2010 R Jane Norton
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Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board - Jan 28, 2010 NPA Reject
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Aug 06, 2009 NPA Reject
US Secretary of Health and Human Services - Apr 28, 2009 D Kathleen Sebelius
Solicitor General of the United States - Mar 19, 2009 NPA Reject
US Attorney General - Feb 02, 2009 NPA Reject
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US President - R Primaries - Jun 03, 2008 R John McCain
TN US Senate - R Primary - Aug 03, 2006 R Edward G. "Ed" Bryant
OH Governor - R Primary - May 02, 2006 R J. Kenneth "Ken" Blackwell
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Jan 31, 2006 R Samuel A. Alito Jr.
Supreme Court - Chief Justice - Sep 29, 2005 R John G. Roberts Jr.
KS State Senate 30 - R Primary - Aug 01, 2000 R Susan Wagle
Second Circuit Court Judge - Oct 02, 1998 NPA Reject
Secretary of Commerce - Jan 20, 1997 NPA Reject
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