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  Grassley, Chuck
NameChuck Grassley
New Hartford, Iowa , United States
Born September 17, 1933
Died Still Living (91 years)
ContributorBarack O-blame-a
Last Modifedev
Jul 19, 2024 09:10am
Tags Married - Freemason - Baptist -
InfoCharles Ernest Grassley

Keeping in touch with Iowans enables Sen. Chuck Grassley to bring Iowa common sense to official Washington. From the river towns along the mighty Mississippi to the farm communities nestled among the Loess Hills in Western Iowa, Chuck Grassley stays well-informed by holding open meetings in each of Iowa's 99 counties every year. A hallmark of Grassley's commitment to make representative government work, the senior senator from Iowa works hard to give individual Iowans a voice in Washington. Plus, from his assignments on Capitol Hill, Grassley is where he needs to be to advocate for Iowa's interests.

The only working family farmer in the U.S. Senate, Grassley brings true grit to his congressional oversight responsibilities. Seeking a more accountable government, Grassley works to keep Washington honest.

Whether it's tracking constituent casework or going head-to-head with the Pentagon, Grassley works to make the federal government work better. He successfully led a six-year campaign to make Congress live under the same laws as the rest of the country.

Sinking his teeth into the federal government's bureaucratic alphabet soup, Grassley has fostered reforms of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), the federal agency that runs Medicare, and the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS).

Keeping vigil against waste, fraud and abuse, Grassley also is a perennial recipient of the Taxpayer's Friend Award. As the second most senior member of the Senate Budget Committee, Grassley champions fiscal discipline. Involved in negotiating the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, Grassley helped shepherd through Congress the first balanced federal budget since 1969.

Grassley's tenacity has earned renown inside the Beltway and outside Washington. The Iowa senator's tight grip on the federal purse strings has brought results for the taxpayers. Working to combat fraud against the government by defense contractors in 1986, Grassley won passage of amendments to the False Claims Act. To date, the Grassley amendments have recovered more than $5.6 billion to the U.S. Treasury and have helped to deter untold billions more. The Grassley provisions have become the government's most effective weapon against health care fraud.

Honoring the memory of the American servicemen still missing from the Vietnam War, it was Chuck Grassley who in 1992 successfully challenged the U.S. government to release over a million pages of documents about those left behind as POWs and MIAs. Grassley pulled back the cloak of secrecy that had surrounded this painful chapter in American history. For the families and loved ones of those brave men, there was no stronger advocate than Iowa's senior senator.

A farm-state lawmaker, Grassley exercises his authority on the Senate Judiciary and Finance Committees to watch out for rural America's interests. Trouble-shooting for the Midlands, Grassley has taken a leading role in Washington to monitor mega-mergers and potentially anti-competitive behavior. Specifically, Grassley has asked the U.S. Justice Department to gauge disproportionate impacts that corporate mergers in the banking, airline, chemical, seed, railway, telecommunications, and utilities industries may have on farmers, small business owners, workers, and consumers in rural America. Grassley has introduced legislation that would for the first time give the USDA expanded authority to challenge anti-competitive practices in agribusiness if it finds a merger would cause substantial harm to the ability of independent producers and family farmers to compete in the marketplace.

After working two years to bring increased competition to under-served markets like Iowa, Grassley crossed a major legislative hurdle in 2000 to open the door for increased airline competition to Iowans. Start-up and budget carriers now will have a better opportunity to get their businesses off the ground in Iowa. Meaningful airline competition will improve Iowa's ability to attract and keep a competitive business climate that supports high-paying jobs.

In January 2001, Grassley earned the prized chairmanship of the Senate Finance Committee. He calls the committee the "Quality of Life Committee" because it's responsible for all federal taxes, Medicare, a prescription drug benefit for seniors, Medicaid, Social Security, international trade, employer-sponsored pensions, workers' compensation, and welfare policy.

Under Grassley's chairmanship, Congress passed the largest tax cut in a generation and gave American families the right to keep more of their hard-earned paychecks. His bipartisan plan cuts rates for every taxpayer. It increases the child tax credit and makes it refundable for lower-income Americans. It reduces the marriage tax penalty and helps parents pay for education, making college tuition tax deductible. It makes it easier to save more for retirement with expanded IRAs and pensions. And it helps pass family farms and businesses to the next generation with death tax relief and eventual repeal.

Grassley underscored his strengths as a legislative leader, earning praise from Republican, Democrat and Independent lawmakers. His ability to build consensus across the political spectrum gives Iowa a respected and effective voice on Capitol Hill.

Grassley also understands first-hand the ins and outs of farming and how policy decisions in Washington impact the rural economy. Scoring a major victory for the Midwest when he orchestrated congressional approval to extend the ethanol program to 2007, Grassley continues pushing the envelope to develop new opportunities for farmers to prosper with renewable energy - including wind, biomass, soy diesel and animal waste nutrients - and an aggressive trade agenda to open new markets for Iowa ag products.

In addition to commodities, Grassley knows that selling Iowa goods and services around the world is vitally important to the strong, diversified economy the state needs to keep good-paying jobs and young people in Iowa. Since 1986, Grassley has hosted ambassadors from countries around the globe on a biennial tour of his home state to showcase Iowa's people, products and places to our trading partners.

Grassley's commitment to Iowa's future and the next generation prompted him to launch an extensive, first-of-its-kind statewide initiative to address Iowa's growing drug problem. Called Face It Together (F.I.T.), Grassley spearheaded the grassroots-based anti-drug strategy to help Iowa families work together to keep their communities, schools and workplaces drug-free. As co-chairman of the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control, Grassley takes aim at money laundering, crime rings and drug trafficking that victimize America's youth.

While Senator Grassley works in Washington, he lives in Iowa. He returns home almost every weekend. He and his wife Barbara raised five children in New Hartford. They have nine grandchildren.

DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know
10/02/2022-10/04/2022 Emerson College 0.00% (+0.0) 0.00% (+0.0) 6.00% (+0.0)
10/02/2022-10/04/2022 Cygnal (R) 0.00% (+0.0) 0.00% (+0.0) 5.90% (+0.0)
10/03/2020-10/06/2020 Civiqs 0.00% (+0.0) 0.00% (+0.0) 12.00% (+0.0)
01/17/2020-01/23/2020 Morningside College 54.00% (+0.0) 38.00% (+0.0) 8.00% (+0.0)
01/01/2017-03/31/2017 Morning Consult 56.00% (+0.0) 35.00% (+0.0) 9.00% (+0.0)
10/03/2016-10/06/2016 Selzer & Co. 56.00% (-1.0) 40.00% (+10.0) 14.00% (+1.0)
09/12/2016-09/14/2016 Monmouth University 58.00% (+2.0) 31.00% (-2.0) 11.00% (+0.0)
07/08/2016-07/11/2016 Monmouth University 56.00% (+0.0) 33.00% (+0.0) 11.00% (+0.0)
07/08/2016-07/11/2016 Monmouth University 56.00% (+0.0) 33.00% (+0.0) 23.00% (+0.0)
06/24/2016-06/28/2016 Loras College 56.00% (+0.0) 33.00% (+0.0) 9.90% (+0.0)

Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Jan 12, 2022 08:00pm News Grassley reiterates support for term limits as he celebrates 63 years in office, seeks re-election  Article ev 
Jun 22, 2021 03:00pm Analysis Grassley can look to Lautenberg as he ponders bid for 8th U.S. Senate term  Article WSNJ 
May 10, 2018 08:40am Strategy Grassley tries to nudge Supreme Court justices into early retirement  Article RP 
Dec 24, 2012 10:30am Amusing The 15 Most Powerful Chuck Grassley Tweets of 2012  Article Homegrown Democrat 
Jul 26, 2012 11:10am Commentary Chuck Grassley Will Poop On USDA  Article RP 
Apr 07, 2012 05:00pm Statement Chuck Grassley calls Obama ‘stupid’ on Twitter  Article Craverguy 

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  01/03/2021 US Senate President Pro Tempore Won 51.52% (+3.03%)
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  01/03/2017 Judiciary Committee Chairman Won 55.00% (+10.00%)
  01/03/2017 Budget Committee - Seat 1 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
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  01/03/2017 Finance Committee - Seat 1 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/08/2016 IA US Senate Won 60.09% (+24.43%)
  06/07/2016 IA US Senate - R Primary Won 98.36% (+96.72%)
  01/03/2015 Finance Committee - Seat 1 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  01/03/2015 Budget Committee - Seat 1 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  01/03/2015 US Senate Agriculture Committee Majority Members Won 3.64% (-12.73%)
  01/03/2015 Judiciary Committee Chairman Won 55.00% (+10.00%)
  01/03/2013 Judiciary Committee Chairman Lost 44.44% (-11.11%)
  11/06/2012 Budget Chairperson Lost 0.00% (-100.00%)
  01/03/2011 Judiciary Chairperson Lost 44.44% (-11.11%)
  11/02/2010 IA US Senate Won 64.35% (+31.05%)
  06/08/2010 IA US Senate - R Primary Won 98.05% (+96.10%)
  01/03/2009 Finance Chairperson Lost 43.48% (-13.04%)
  01/03/2009 US Senate Agriculture Committee Ranking Members Won 8.33% (-11.11%)
  01/03/2005 US Senate Agriculture Committee Majority Members Won 1.82% (-14.55%)
  11/02/2004 IA US Senate Won 70.18% (+42.31%)
  06/08/2004 IA US Senate - R Primary Won 99.72% (+99.45%)
  11/03/1998 IA US Senate Won 68.41% (+37.92%)
  06/02/1998 IA US Senate- R Primary Won 99.72% (+99.44%)
  11/03/1992 IA US Senate Won 69.61% (+42.41%)
  06/02/1992 IA US Senate-R Primary Won 99.71% (+99.41%)
  11/04/1986 IA US Senate Won 66.04% (+32.46%)
  06/03/1986 IA US Senate- R Primary Won 99.96% (+99.93%)
  11/04/1980 IA US Senate Won 53.48% (+7.95%)
  06/03/1980 IA US Senate- R Primary Won 65.55% (+31.10%)
  11/07/1978 IA District 3 Won 74.80% (+49.63%)
  11/02/1976 IA District 03 Won 56.45% (+12.91%)
  11/05/1974 IA District 03 Won 50.84% (+1.69%)
  06/04/1974 IA District 03 - R Primary Won 42.02% (+13.86%)
  11/07/1972 IA State House 037 Won 70.77% (+41.54%)
  11/03/1970 IA State House 010 Won 62.60% (+26.32%)
  11/05/1968 IA State House 073 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/08/1966 IA State House 073 Won 69.23% (+38.46%)
  11/03/1964 IA State House 010 Won 60.86% (+21.72%)
  11/06/1962 IA State House 010 Won 64.34% (+28.68%)
  11/08/1960 IA State House 010 Won 69.06% (+38.11%)
  11/04/1958 IA State House 010 Won 64.13% (+28.25%)
  06/04/1956 IA State House 010-R Primary Lost 34.66% (-2.69%)
IRS Commissioner - Mar 09, 2023 D Daniel I. Werfel
IA Treasurer - R Primary - Jun 07, 2022 R Roby Smith
IA Auditor - R Primary - Jun 07, 2022 R Mary Ann Hanusa
US Ambassador to Japan - Dec 18, 2021 D Rahm Emanuel
US Secretary of Housing & Urban Development - Mar 10, 2021 D Marcia L. Fudge
IA District 03 - R Primary - Jun 02, 2020 R David Young
Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board - Jan 23, 2018 R Jerome H. "Jay" Powell
US Attorney General - Apr 23, 2015 NPA Reject
US Secretary of Commerce - Oct 20, 2011 NPA Reject
Solicitor General of the United States - Jun 06, 2011 D Donald B. Verrilli, Jr.
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Aug 05, 2010 NPA Reject
IA District 03 - R Primary - Jun 08, 2010 R Jim Gibbons
Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board - Jan 28, 2010 NPA Reject
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Aug 06, 2009 NPA Reject
Solicitor General of the United States - Mar 19, 2009 NPA Reject
US Deputy Secretary of Defense - Feb 11, 2009 NPA Reject
US Attorney General - Feb 02, 2009 D Eric Holder
IA State House 017 - R Primary - Jun 06, 2006 R Patrick Grassley
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Jan 31, 2006 R Samuel A. Alito Jr.
Supreme Court - Chief Justice - Sep 29, 2005 R John G. Roberts Jr.
Second Circuit Court Judge - Oct 02, 1998 NPA Reject
Member of the Federal Reserve Board - Aug 11, 1994 NPA Reject
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Jul 29, 1994 D Stephen G. Breyer
U.S. Surgeon General - Sep 07, 1993 NPA Reject
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Aug 03, 1993 D Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Oct 15, 1991 R Clarence Thomas
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Oct 02, 1990 R David Souter
IA US President - R Caucuses - Feb 08, 1988 R Robert J. "Bob" Dole
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Feb 03, 1988 R Anthony M. Kennedy
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Oct 23, 1987 R Robert H. Bork
US Secretary of Commerce - Oct 18, 1987 NPA Reject
US Ambassador to Mozambique - Sep 11, 1987 NPA Reject
Supreme Court - Chief Justice - Sep 17, 1986 R William H. Rehnquist
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Sep 17, 1986 R Antonin Scalia
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Sep 21, 1981 R Sandra Day O'Connor
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