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  Dressler, Michael R.
NameMichael R. Dressler
Cresskill, New Jersey , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedScottĀ³
Jul 05, 2010 03:03pm
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InfoIn June of 1970, with high school graduation only days away, Mike and classmates from Cresskill High School celebrated their senior prom at the Jersey Shore. The summer temperature was soaring; the ocean inviting. Mike decided to take a swim. He dove into the surf into what he thought was 10 feet of water. He was wrong. The murky ocean camouflaged a sand bar lying a mere 2 feet below the surface. Mike hit the sandbar solidly, shattering cervical vertebrae. He was pulled out of the ocean unable to move.

Mike was rushed to the hospital. Last rites were administered and his parents were told he would not survive the night. Exhibiting characteristics that would punctuate his life, Mike refused to die.

He underwent grueling physical therapy at Bergen Pines Hospital for nearly 2 years. In 1972 he was sent home, with doctors assuring him and his family that he would be permanently paralyzed, never able to leave his bed. Mike refused to let mere medical science narrow his world or define his future. With family, friends and neighbors from Cresskill rallying to his side, ramps were built and doorways were widened to accommodate a wheelchair. Mike escaped the darkness. He purchased a customized van and relearned to drive. He went back to school receiving an Associates Degree from Bergen Community College in 1974. He continued his education at Fairleigh Dickinson University graduating in 1976. In 1979 Mike received his law degree from Seton Hall University Law School.

At home in Cresskill, the town doctors told Mike he could never leave. He was elected Councilman in 1974. In 1983 at age 31 Mike was elected mayor of Cresskill. The same year the Board of Freeholders of Bergen County appointed Mike counsel to the County of Bergen. He was the youngest person ever appointed to that position. Following years in private practice, Mike, in 1991, was appointed counsel to the N.J. Sports and Exposition Authority.

In 1996 Mike Dressler decided to again enter the arena of public service. He entered the countywide contest for Bergen County Surrogate. His campaign propelled by knowledge, experience, spirit and a motorized wheelchair took him to all 70 municipalities comprising Bergen County. On November 5, 1996, the people of Bergen County responded. Mike received over 154,000 votes gaining victory. On January 1, 1997, Michael Dressler began a 5-year term as Surrogate of Bergen County.

His first term as Surrogate vividly highlights a public service philosophy that combines innovative community service with reasoned fiscal responsibility. Mike has established and expanded programs that directly assist those involved with Surrogate Court issues. Surrogate Dressler created the first Guardianship Monitoring Program in Bergen County. The Guardianship Program, utilizing volunteers recruited with the help of the AARP, monitors the work of the Court appointed guardians making sure they care for the frail and elderly as they promised they would.

Mike Dressler also spearheaded the creation of the Surrogate Court's Satellite Office Program in which the services of the Surrogate Court are brought directly to municipalities such as Fort Lee, Ridgewood, Wallington, Norwood and Park Ridge. Utilizing municipal offices and libraries in those towns, Surrogate Court employees are able to bring services such as probating of wills and administering estates to those who cannot make the trip to the Surrogate Court in Hackensack. These innovative and helpful programs are operated and maintained at no additional taxpayer cost.

During Mike Dressler's first term in office he has embarked on an unprecedented speaking tour covering every town in Bergen County addressing civic groups and service organizations informing people about the importance of wills, administering of estates, guardianship of minors, adoptions, living wills and estate planning. Mike Dressler has shown that the duties and responsibilities of the Surrogate Court Judge extend beyond the walls of his own office in Hackensack.

In November of 2001, Judge Michael Dressler was re-elected to a new 5-year term as Bergen County Surrogate, commencing January 2002.

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