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  Borja, Rodrigo
AffiliationDemocratic Left   
NameRodrigo Borja
, , Ecuador
Born June 19, 1935
Died Still Living (89 years)
Contributor411 Name Removed
Last ModifedThomas Walker
Sep 01, 2006 01:55pm
InfoBorja Cevallos, Rodrigo (b. June 19, 1935, Quito, Ecuador), president of Ecuador (1988-92). He came to political prominence in 1968 as a founding member of the Izquierda Democrática (ID), a party he represented as a congressional deputy in 1962-82. Affiliated with the Socialist International, the ID became the largest party in Ecuador's highly factionalized political scene. When Borja ran for president in 1978, he came in fourth in the first round of voting and was eliminated from the race. In the 1984 elections he was a convincing first-round leader with 36% of the total vote, but he lost the second round by three percentage points to the more flamboyant and aggressive León Febres Cordero. In the 1988 presidential elections, the first round on January 31 proved inconclusive, with ten candidates vying for the nation's highest office. However, Borja led the field with 24.6% of the valid vote against the 17.6% won by his nearest rival, Abdalá Bucaram Ortiz. In the second round on May 8, Borja emerged with a narrow majority, taking some 52.8% of valid votes. While both candidates represented left-of-centre parties and promised to reverse the pro-U.S. policies of Febres Cordero, Bucaram's volatile personality and populist rhetoric raised fears that the military would intervene in the event of his victory. Thus some observers suggested that Borja won the election because he was seen as the lesser of two evils. He promised a government of national consensus to deal with Ecuador's severe economic problems, the most pressing of which were rising inflation, falling oil revenues, and the foreign debt. Shortly after taking office, his government introduced an economic austerity program prior to opening negotiations with the International Monetary Fund.


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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  10/20/2002 ECU President Lost 14.05% (-6.26%)
  05/31/1998 ECU President Lost 16.12% (-18.80%)
  05/08/1988 ECU President - Runoff Won 54.00% (+8.01%)
  01/31/1988 ECU President Won 24.48% (+6.87%)
  05/06/1984 ECU President - Runoff Lost 48.46% (-3.08%)
  01/29/1984 ECU President Won 28.73% (+1.53%)
  07/16/1978 ECU President Lost 12.01% (-15.69%)
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