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  Pearson, Donna M.
NameDonna M. Pearson
AddressPO Box 385
Bridgeton, New Jersey 08302, United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Contributor*crickets chirp*
Last ModifedWSNJ
Aug 04, 2021 11:14am
InfoCommissioner Donna M. Pearson of Bridgeton was elected to the Board of Commissioners in 2020. Ms. Pearson was appointed to Bridgeton City Council in 1990 and elected to a full term in 1991 where she served as a member and as City Council President. In 1997 Ms. Pearson was elected to the then named Board of Chosen Freeholders as a Freeholder (until her term ended in 2003). Ms. Pearson served as Freeholder Director, Freeholder liaison to the Cumberland County Empowerment Zone, the Cumberland County Improvement Authority, the South Jersey Economic Development Board, the Cumberland County Board of Social Services and the Cumberland County Board of Health.

Commissioner Pearson retired from the State of New Jersey, where her professional career focused on community organizations, aging, and community services and child protective services. Ms. Pearson has broad experience in the development and administration of local, state, and federal human service and community programs. In addition to her career in social services, Commissioner Pearson has served as the Director of the South Jersey Office of the Governor and as the Director of Appointments for the Office of the Governor.

Commissioner Pearson is a graduate of Bridgeton High School and of Clark Atlanta University from which she graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in sociology. Following her undergraduate studies, Ms. Pearson attended New York University School of Social Work earning a Master’s Degree in Social Work. She has served as an adjunct professor at Wilmington University. Ms. Pearson is an adjunct professor at Cumberland County College, now Rowan College of South Jersey-Cumberland Campus.

Commissioner Pearson is a life member of the NAACP, a life member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and is an active member of Oziel Grand Chapter- Order of the Eastern Star -Prince Hall Affiliation – NJ, Soroptimists International, The Seabrook Educational and Cultural Center, Communication Workers of America (CWA) and the Gloucester County Minority Coalition.

She is a lifelong member of John Wesley United Methodist Church in Bridgeton


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/03/2020 Cumberland County Freeholders Won 17.41% (-0.15%)
  07/07/2020 Cumberland County Freeholders - D Primary Won 16.85% (-0.04%)
  11/04/2014 Cumberland County Freeholders Lost 16.37% (-0.63%)
  11/04/2003 Cumberland County Freeholder Lost 24.16% (-0.80%)
NJ District 02 - D Primary - Jun 04, 2024 D Tim Alexander
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