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  Walkup, Bob
NameBob Walkup
Tucson, Arizona , United States
Born November 14, 1936
Died March 12, 2021 (84 years)
ContributorWishful Thinking
Last ModifedDavid
Nov 14, 2021 11:08am
InfoRobert E. "Bob" Walkup was elected Mayor of Tucson on November 2,1999. He was born on November 14, 1936 and was raised in Ames, Iowa, where his father was a Professor of Engineering at Iowa State University.
After earning his Industrial Engineering degree at ISU and serving in the U.S. Army, Mayor Walkup embarked upon his well-known business career in the high-technology aerospace industry. For over thirty-five years, he worked as an engineer and executive for Rockwell International, Fairchild Republic and Hughes Aircraft Company, where he built avionics equipment, military and commercial aircraft, and other national defense systems.

Mayor Walkup has spent many years volunteering his personal time in the community with organizations such as the Tucson Community Food Bank, the Pima-Santa Cruz County School-to-Work Program (founder), El Centro Cultural de las Americas (co-founder), GTEC and the Arizona Space Commission (founder and first chair).

The mayor's hobbies include playing guitar, sketching, studying astronomy, and restoring antique cars and motorcycles.

Mayor Walkup brings his community-building spirit to City Hall. His real-world management skills and experience help strengthen our government and our community.


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/06/2007 Tucson, AZ Mayor Won 71.20% (+43.12%)
  09/11/2007 Tucson, AZ Mayor - R Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/04/2003 Tucson, AZ Mayor Won 49.51% (+1.77%)
  11/02/1999 Tucson, AZ Mayor Won 54.40% (+14.48%)
AZ District 8 - Special D Primary - Apr 17, 2012 D Ron Barber
AZ US Senate - R Primary - Aug 24, 2010 R John McCain
AZ Governor - R Primary - Aug 24, 2010 R Jan Brewer
AZ-2008-Proposition 102 (Marriage Protection Amendment) - Nov 04, 2008 NO No
AZ-2006-Proposition 107 (Protect Marriage Arizona) - Nov 07, 2006 NO No
AZ District 8 - R Primary - Sep 12, 2006 R Steve Huffman
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