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  Pawlenty, Tim
NameTim Pawlenty
Eagan, Minnesota , United States
Born November 27, 1960
Died Still Living (64 years)
ContributorThe Oncoming Storm
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Sep 09, 2023 08:33am
Tags Caucasian - Christian - Protestant - Straight -
InfoTimothy James Pawlenty (born November 27, 1960) is an American politician from the Republican Party. He is the 39th and current Governor of Minnesota, and started his term on January 6, 2003. His wife, Mary Pawlenty, is a district judge in Dakota County. Although Pawlenty was raised as a Roman Catholic, he converted to Protestantism as an adult.

Pawlenty earned his undergraduate and law degrees at the University of Minnesota. In 1994 [actually 1992], Pawlenty was first elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives, where in 1999, he became their Republican Party Majority Leader when Republicans gained control of the House in 1999. As Majority Leader, Pawlenty was instrumental in passing Governor Jesse Ventura's tax cuts.

Tim Pawlenty had originally planned to seek the Minnesota US Senate seat in 2002. However, this plan was derailed by a stern message from Vice President Dick Cheney, who asked him to step aside to allow Norm Coleman to challenge Paul Wellstone without primary opposition. Wellstone died in an airplane accident, and Coleman went on to defeat former Vice President Walter Mondale in the election.

Following the termination of his Senate campaign (and a nudge from Dick Cheney), Pawlenty decided to run for governor, the job he claimed he always wanted. Pawlenty campaigned on a pledge not to raise taxes to balance the state's budget deficit, requiring visa expiration dates on driver's licenses, a 24 hour waiting period on abortions, implementing a conceal-carry gun law, and changing the state's education requirements.


DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know
09/10/2012-09/11/2012 Public Policy Polling 0.00% (-43.0) 0.00% (-53.0) 13.00% (+9.0)
12/04/2010-12/05/2010 Public Policy Polling 43.00% (+0.0) 53.00% (+3.0) 4.00% (-2.0)
10/27/2010-10/29/2010 Public Policy Polling 43.00% (-1.0) 50.00% (+2.0) 6.00% (-2.0)
10/20/2010-10/20/2010 Rasmussen Reports 49.00% (-3.0) 49.00% (+2.0) 2.00% (+1.0)
09/22/2010-09/22/2010 Rasmussen Reports 52.00% (+4.0) 47.00% (-3.0) 1.00% (+0.0)
08/25/2010-08/29/2010 Humphrey Institute/University of Minnesota 46.00% (-9.0) 45.00% (+6.0) 9.00% (+9.0)
08/12/2010-08/12/2010 Rasmussen Reports 48.00% (-1.0) 50.00% (+1.0) 1.00% (-1.0)
07/19/2010-07/19/2010 Rasmussen Reports 49.00% (-1.0) 49.00% (+0.0) 2.00% (+0.0)
03/10/2010-03/10/2010 Rasmussen Reports 50.00% (-3.0) 49.00% (+5.0) 2.00% (+0.0)
01/11/2010-01/11/2010 Rasmussen Reports 53.00% (+0.0) 44.00% (+0.0) 2.00% (-1.0)

Title Purchase Contributor
Governor Tim Pawlenty: The Sam's Club Republican  Purchase Monsieur 
Courage to Stand: An American Story  Purchase Monsieur 

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Sep 20, 2012 09:00am News Pawlenty to head U.S. bank lobbying group  Article RP 
Nov 29, 2011 01:45pm Commentary The 25 Least Influential People Alive [#1 - Tim Pawlenty]  Article RP 
Jul 10, 2011 10:20am Interview Pawlenty: Science ‘In Dispute’ Over Whether Gays ‘Born This Way’  Article Homegrown Democrat 
May 26, 2011 04:05pm Statement Pawlenty: I would sign Ryan plan  Article Brandonius Maximus 
May 19, 2011 05:25pm Commentary GOP Predecessor On Pawlenty: ‘I Don’t Think Any Governor Has Left Behind A Worse Financial Mess’   Article RP 
Apr 12, 2011 11:30pm Announcement Pawlenty Says 'I'm Running'; Campaign Downplays It  Article ev 

  08/14/2018 MN Governor - R Primary Lost 43.86% (-8.76%)
  08/11/2012 US Vice President - R Selection Lost 0.00% (-100.00%)
  08/13/2011 Iowa GOP Presidential Straw Poll Lost 13.62% (-15.03%)
  08/29/2008 US Vice President - R Selection Lost 0.00% (-100.00%)
  11/07/2006 MN Governor Won 46.69% (+0.96%)
  09/12/2006 MN Governor - R Primary Won 88.87% (+77.74%)
  11/05/2002 MN Governor Won 44.37% (+7.91%)
  09/10/2002 MN Governor - R Primary Won 88.64% (+77.27%)
  06/15/2002 MN Governor - R Convention Won 58.39% (+16.78%)
  03/11/2002 MN Governor - R Caucus Lost 36.95% (-13.93%)
  01/03/2001 MN House Majority Leader Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/07/2000 MN House Seat 38B Won 65.56% (+31.12%)
  01/03/1999 MN House Majority Leader Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/03/1998 MN House Seat 38B Won 68.09% (+36.34%)
  11/05/1996 MN House Seat 38B Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/08/1994 MN House Seat 38B Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/03/1992 MN House Seat 38B Won 51.57% (+4.49%)
MN US Senate - R Primary - Aug 13, 2024 R Joe Fraser
MN Lt. Governor - R Primary - Aug 14, 2018 R Michelle L. Fischbach
MN US President - R Caucus - Mar 01, 2016 R Marco A. Rubio
US President - R Primaries - Jun 26, 2012 R Mitt Romney
WI - District 07 - R Primary - Sep 14, 2010 R Sean Duffy
AZ US Senate - R Primary - Aug 24, 2010 R John McCain
ND US Senate - R Primary - Jun 08, 2010 R John Hoeven
PA - District 07 - R Primary - May 18, 2010 R Pat Meehan
PA US Senate - R Primary - May 18, 2010 R Pat Toomey
NY District 23 - Special Election - Nov 03, 2009 R Douglas Hoffman
MN US President - R Caucus - Feb 05, 2008 R John McCain
US President - R Primaries - Jun 03, 2008 R John McCain
MN US Senate - R Primary - Sep 12, 2006 R Mark Kennedy
St. Paul Mayor - Primary - Sep 13, 2005 DFL Randy C. Kelly
MN Governor - Nov 06, 1990 R Jon Grunseth
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