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  Pignatelli, Debora B.
NameDebora B. Pignatelli
Address22 Appletree Green
Nashua, New Hampshire , United States
Born October 25, 1957
Died Still Living (67 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Oct 23, 2019 04:47pm
InfoDebora B. Pignatelli is a 31 year resident of New Hampshire who resides in Nashua.

She has spent the last 15 years, until 2003, in elected office - 5 years in the House of Representatives and 10 years in the State Senate. While in the State House and the State Senate, she sponsored and advocated for legislative initiatives increasing funding for education, returning state surplus money to cities and towns for property tax relief, establishing anti-stalking laws, funding statewide kindergarten, reforming campaign finance laws, increasing the age for child passenger seat belts from 12 years to 18 years, increasing the cigarette tax to deter children from smoking, enhancing environmental protection, improving the foster care system, bringing a Legal Assistance Office to Nashua, and curbing violent crime, including family violence.

She has served as the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, Vice Chair of the Senate Environment Committee and as a member of many other Senate Committees, including Capital Budget, Health and Human Services, Public Affairs, Rules, Wildlife and Recreation, and Economic Development.

While a State Representative, she served on the Children, Youth and Elderly, and Appropriations Committees.

She served as Assistant Minority Leader in the House of Representatives and as Democratic Whip and Vice President for Policy in the Senate.

She has been designated as One of the Ten most powerful women in New Hampshire by New Hampshire Editions Magazine, has received the Meritorious Service Award from the New Hampshire Women's Lobby, the John F. Kennedy Award from the Hillsborough County Democratic Committee and has been awarded the Anita and Norman Freedman Award at 2004 Democratic Convention.

She has also received an Award recognizing her excellence in river and watershed conservation from local groups representing dozens of New Hampshire Communities along the Contoocook and North Branch, Lamprey, Lower and Upper Merrimack, and Swift Rivers. She and her husband, Mike, raised two children, Adam and Ben, who are now in their 20's.

Before running for office, she served as the Executive Director of the Nashua, NH Girl's Club, now Girl's, Inc., and the Director of Tenant Services for the Nashua Housing Authority.

Senator, New Hampshire State Senate, 1992-2002
Senate Deputy Democratic Whip 1992-2002
New Hampshire State House of Representatives, 1986-1992

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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/03/2020 NH Executive Council - District 5 Lost 49.15% (-1.65%)
  11/06/2018 NH Executive Council - District 5 Won 50.56% (+4.04%)
  11/06/2012 NH Executive Council - District 5 Won 52.44% (+4.93%)
  11/02/2010 NH Executive Council - District 5 Lost 46.40% (-7.17%)
  09/14/2010 NH Executive Council - District 5 - D Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/04/2008 NH Executive Council - District 5 Won 55.95% (+11.95%)
  11/07/2006 NH Executive Council - District 5 Won 59.22% (+18.47%)
  11/02/2004 NH Executive Council - District 5 Won 52.68% (+5.36%)
  09/14/2004 NH Executive Council - District 5 - R Primary Lost 0.36% (-68.13%)
  11/07/2000 NH State Senate 13 Won 61.92% (+27.52%)
  11/03/1998 NH State Senate 13 Won 64.21% (+28.42%)
  11/05/1996 NH State Senate 13 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/08/1994 NH State Senate 13 Won 52.68% (+8.45%)
  11/03/1992 NH State Senate 13 Won 52.42% (+8.16%)
  09/08/1992 NH State Senate 13 - D Primary Won 51.74% (+24.35%)
NH US President - D Primary - Feb 11, 2020 D Amy Klobuchar
NH US President - D Primary - Feb 09, 2016 D Hillary Clinton
NH US President - D Primary - Feb 16, 1988 D Richard A. "Dick" Gephardt
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