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  Fincher, Stephen Lee
NameStephen Lee Fincher
Address12067 Johnson Grove Rd
Halls, Tennessee , United States
Born February 07, 1973
Died Still Living (52 years)
Last ModifedRP
Sep 01, 2014 10:33pm
InfoStephen Fincher, 37, is a managing partner in Fincher Farms, a West Tennessee based business farming cotton, corn, soybeans and wheat. Stephen has been a farmer in the family business his entire life, and lives in the Frog Jump community of Crockett County beside his father and brother.

At the age of nine, Stephen joined the singing ministry started by his grandmother, "The Fincher Family". The Finchers sing at over 100 events annually, including church events, weddings, funerals and benefit events for various community, civic and charitable causes. The Finchers have performed at over 2,000 community events in the last decade or so, almost all in the Eighth Congressional District.

Stephen has served as President of Alamo Dixie Youth Baseball and Crockett County Dixie Youth Baseball, as Chairman of the Board of the PPR Committee at Archer's Chapel United Methodist Church, and as President of United Methodist Men.

Stephen has raised money for dozens of community organizations and causes, including the Methodist Church, Dixie Youth Baseball, NOAH, Relay for Life, The Carl Perkins Child Abuse Center, as well as many events for individuals or families in need. He is Life Member of the NRA, and a member of Ducks Unlimited.

Stephen and his wife of 19 years, Lynn, have three children: John Austin, 14; Noah, 11; and Sarah, 7. They live in the Frog Jump community near Halls and are active in Archer's Chapel Methodist Church.

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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/04/2014 TN District 8 Won 70.83% (+46.25%)
  11/06/2012 TN - District 08 Won 68.33% (+39.88%)
  08/02/2012 TN District 8 - R Primary Won 86.67% (+73.34%)
  11/02/2010 TN - District 08 Won 58.99% (+20.19%)
  08/05/2010 TN - District 08 - R Primary Won 48.47% (+24.06%)
TN Governor - R Primary - Aug 02, 2018 R Diane Black
TN US Senate - R Primary - Aug 02, 2018 R Bob Corker
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