Affiliation | Democratic |
Name | Eldridge R. Emory, Jr. |
Address | Lancaster, South Carolina , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
March 19, 1935 |
Died |
Still Living
(90 years) |
Contributor | Joshua L. |
Last Modifed | David Mar 21, 2020 05:39pm |
Tags |
Freemason -
Info | Retired, Founders Fed. Credit Union; residing at 814 Forest Dr., Lancaster; b. Mar. 19, 1935 in Lancaster Co.; s. the late Eldridge R. Emory, Sr. and the late Eunice H. Emory; g. Wingate Coll., B.A., 1958; Sept. 28, 1955 m. Perry Lee Faile, 3 children, Eldridge III (Rob), Kathy, and Christi; mem.: Rotary; former mem., Co. Council, past Chm., Bd. mem., and S.C. Council of Govts.; past Pres., Bd. mem. and Pres. of Catawba Regional Council of Govt.; Bd. mem. of the Catawba Regional Dev. Corp.; Bd. mem. and past Pres. of Lancaster Co. Red Cross; past mem., Sertoma Club and Jaycees; J.C.I.; Senator; Mason and Shriner; Deacon, Immanuel Baptist Church; prev. serv. in House Apr. 7, 1998-05.
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