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  Metzl, Jamie
NameJamie Metzl
Kansas City, Missouri , United States
Born July 01, 1968
Died Still Living (56 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Oct 16, 2021 03:24pm
Tags Caucasian - Jewish - Judaism -
InfoAbout Jamie Metzl

Jamie was born and raised in Kansas City. He is the son of Drs. Kurt and Marilyn Metzl, and one of four brothers. Jamie's father came to Kansas City with his parents as refugees from Nazi Europe in 1948. From Jamie's volunteer work in Kansas City, to his work with the late Governor Mel Carnahan, to his efforts to fight for civil and human rights, Jamie has honored his heritage with a deep commitment to social justice.

Committed Public Servant

Jamie has served on the National Security Council at the White House, in senior positions at the State Department, and as Deputy Staff Director of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee working for Senator Joseph Biden (D-Del). At the White House he led a major presidential initiative on global conflict prevention and coordinated US government-wide information campaigns for crises in the Persian Gulf and the Balkans. From 1991 to 1993, Jamie was a Human Rights Officer for the United Nations peace mission in Cambodia. President Clinton selected him for the prestigious White House Fellowship in 1997.

National and Homeland Security Expert

A nationally recognized expert in national and homeland security, Jamie directed the Council on Foreign Relations Independent Task Force on Homeland Security. He worked with Senator Warren Rudman, former Secretary of State George Schultz, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General John Vessey and others to prepare the first national needs assessment for local policemen, firefighters, emergency medical technicians, public health officials and other emergency responders and outlined a policy framework for preventing and responding to another terrorist attack. Jamie has testified before Congress, spoken across the country, and appeared repeatedly on national media including the "Today" show, CNN, and NBC's "Meet the Press" advocating for the needs of emergency responders.

Committed Educator

Jamie has taught human rights law for five years and is an adjunct professor of law at the University of Missouri in Kansas City. He graduated Magna Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Brown University, holds a Ph.D. in history from Oxford University, and is a graduate of Harvard Law School. He has written a book on human rights. His second book, a novel entitled The Depths of the Sea, will be published by St. Martin's Press in May 2004.

Marathon Runner

Jamie has run 20 marathons and completed three Ironman triathlons. He knows the meaning of working hard to achieve long-term goals. Fighting for the interests of the people of Missouri's Fifth District and to safeguard democratic values at home and abroad will require a similar dedication and focus.

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  08/03/2004 MO District 5 - D Primary Lost 40.03% (-19.93%)
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