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  Cromer, John
NameJohn Cromer
Address19709 Dequindre
Detroit, Michigan , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2024 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Apr 27, 2018 12:38pm
InfoMy name is John W. Cromer. I am the 6th child of 14 children, a single and a proud father of Josalyn and an uncle 50 times over. I am 43 years old – born and raised in Detroit. God gave me a Second Chance after serving 13+ years in Michigan prisons for shoplifting (retail fraud).

It was my last conviction that involved a pair of gym shoes and a set of bed sheets. I was released from prison to parole status September 2004. Since then I have sent thousands of job seekers on job interviews and thousands have received jobs because of my relationship with more than 500 employers.

I am a member of Hartford Memorial Baptist Church where I serve on the Prison Outreach Committee and Employment Committee. I also speak at community centers, churches and schools and mentor at-risk youth. I have developed a working-network database of more than 17,000 email contacts and a 4000+ business card rolodex.

Last summer, I had the honor and privilege to be a part of the "Obama For America" campaign where I served as an invited Host at the Democratic National Convention in Denver CO. A historic moment in life came on June 2, 2008 when President Barack Obama selected me to ask him the final question at a town hall meeting in Troy MI.

My question was about "how do we create jobs for be people who are rendered economically unemployable due to a criminal record? How do we give people second chances?" Please see my question to President Obama and his response at www.youtube.com search for "John Cromer's videos", Facebook and www.myspace.com/johncromer.

My run for Detroit City Council may surprise some, but this is only the answer to all the praying people did for me while I was in prison. Some may even feel uncomfortable about the fact that I have been to prison and now asking for voter-trust to do a great job and create jobs as a council member?

Look at it like this: “Some of our local politicians get into public office first, then they go to jail/prison!" That part is out of the way for me and I am ready to clean up Detroit, adopt new hiring policies and afford second chances by forming an Employment Authority that will create jobs to reengage our huge underutilized workforce of people with criminal records.

Putting people into jobs and connecting them with a faith-based mentor is more cost effective then throwing someone into a jail cell to get nothing but an advanced degree in criminality!

I am recognized for mentoring at-risk and disadvantaged youth. Through my partnership with Project Dream, Inc., we raised donations and took a group of Detroit students to Washington DC, a whole week, for the 2009 Presidential Inauguration of President Barack Omaba. We even took the students to three of the Presidential Inaugural Balls/Events. It was an attitude changing experience for our students.

I have had the privilege to meet and work with a lot of positive role models including Actor Dr. Bill Cosby on more than one occasion in Community Outreach Forums entitled: "The Talk - My Life! Whose In Charge?” - encouraging people "that success is a mindset and we can do better!"

I am an advocate for re-entry efforts on behalf of the prison population – to establish the support mechanisms that will keep returning citizens in the community, in jobs and contributing to society. Part of my work is to encourage employers and government to adopt new hiring policies and follow the lead of cities like Chicago, San Francisco and Boston by striking from city-job applications questions about criminal records.

On August 4, 2009, Vote for John W. Cromer to Detroit City Council to bring Second Chances!


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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  08/04/2020 MI State House 003 - D Primary Lost 3.83% (-31.08%)
  08/07/2018 MI State House 003 - D Primary Lost 12.84% (-41.89%)
  08/02/2016 Detroit City Council - At-Large - Special Primary Lost 6.71% (-40.60%)
  08/04/2009 Detroit City Council - Primary Lost 0.21% (-8.54%)
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