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  Collins, William
NameWilliam Collins
Blackwood, New Jersey , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedScott³
Oct 27, 2009 08:05pm
InfoA lifelong resident of Gloucester Township, Bill’s personal story of courage and years of dedicated service to his community makes his bid for a seat in the state Assembly a natural next step. He battled a rare disease through his childhood, overcame it at 10 and went on to become a track star at Highland High School. After graduating, he coached Highland for over 30 years – earning “South Jersey Coach of the Year” honors four times.

As President of the Gloucester Township School Board, Bill fought for quality education while cutting the tax levy three years in a row. In addition to being a strong advocate for students and taxpayers, he’s improved the infrastructure and security at schools, expanded ESL and Autism programs and upgraded technology throughout the education system.

Bill’s work ethic, enthusiasm and personal integrity have inspired young people for years and earned him the respect of leaders such as Congressman Rob Andrews, who said Bill will bring his “persistence, determination, and infectious enthusiasm” to the Statehouse.

State Sen. Fred Madden said Bill has “the experience and the tenacity to be a first-rate advocate for the people of South Jersey.” And Assemblyman Paul Moriarty called Bill “an inspiring figure who has been a tremendous asset to our young people as their coach and our taxpayers as School Board president.”

Bill Collins grew up in Gloucester Township, raised his family in our community, and, like you, knows we need real change in Trenton. The challenges we face call for an intelligent, persistent leader whose top priority will be working for the best interests of the taxpayers. He will listen to the citizens of South Jersey and work hard to address their concerns in Trenton – even if it means standing up to the entrenched political interests to get things done.

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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/03/2009 NJ General Assembly 04 Lost 24.61% (-1.72%)
  06/02/2009 NJ General Assembly 04 - D Primary Won 45.54% (+1.12%)
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