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  Roosevelt, James
NameJames Roosevelt
Los Angeles, California , United States
Born December 23, 1907
Died August 13, 1991 (84 years)
Contributoreddy 9_99
Last ModifedRBH
Mar 25, 2023 08:43pm
InfoRepresentative from California; born in New York City December 23, 1907; attended schools in New York and St. Albans School of Washington, D.C.; was graduated from Groton School in 1926 and from Harvard University in 1930; in 1930 became an insurance broker in Boston, Mass.; organized Roosevelt & Sargent, Inc., and served as president until January 1937; secretary to father, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in 1937 and 1938; motion picture industry November 1938-November 1940; went on active duty as a captain in the United States Marine Corps in November 1940; promoted to colonel April 13, 1944, and served in the Pacific Theater; released from active duty in August 1945; brigadier general United States Marine Corps Reserve, retired; rejoined Roosevelt & Sargent, Inc., as executive vice president and established an office in Los Angeles, Calif., in June 1946; served as chairman of the board, Roosevelt & Haines, Inc.; was an unsuccessful Democratic candidate for Governor of California in 1950; delegate to the Democratic National Conventions in 1948, 1952, 1956, and 1960; elected as a Democrat to the Eighty-fourth and to the five succeeding Congresses and served from January 3, 1955, to September 30, 1965; unsuccessful candidate for Democratic nomination for mayor of Los Angeles, Calif., in April 1965; resigned from Congress effective September 30, 1965, to become United States representative to United Nations Economic and Social Council, resigning in December 1966; public relations consultant; was a resident of Newport Beach, Calif., until his death there on August 13, 1991.

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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  04/06/1965 Los Angeles Mayor Lost 36.48% (-21.46%)
  11/03/1964 CA District 26 Won 70.39% (+40.79%)
  11/06/1962 CA District 26 Won 68.30% (+36.59%)
  11/08/1960 CA District 26 Won 73.38% (+46.75%)
  11/04/1958 CA District 26 Won 72.23% (+44.46%)
  06/03/1958 CA District 26 - R Primary Lost 25.87% (-48.25%)
  06/03/1958 CA District 26 - D Primary Won 89.66% (+79.32%)
  11/06/1956 CA District 26 Won 68.84% (+37.67%)
  06/05/1956 CA District 26 - R Primary Lost 23.95% (-18.08%)
  11/02/1954 CA District 26 Won 60.09% (+20.19%)
  06/08/1954 CA District 26 - R Primary Lost 15.38% (-30.82%)
  06/08/1954 CA District 26 - D Primary Won 66.68% (+57.13%)
  07/01/1952 US President - D Primaries Lost 0.00% (-64.55%)
  11/07/1950 CA Governor Lost 35.14% (-29.71%)
  06/06/1950 CA Governor - R Primary Lost 9.66% (-78.74%)
  06/06/1950 CA Governor - D Primary Won 55.56% (+14.32%)
  11/05/1946 CA Governor Lost 0.13% (-91.52%)
CA US President - Nov 06, 1984 R Ronald Reagan
CA US President - Nov 04, 1980 R Ronald Reagan
CA US President - Nov 07, 1972 R Richard M. Nixon
MT US Senate - D Primary - Jul 16, 1946 D Leif Erickson
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