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  Donatelli, Jan
NameJan Donatelli
Address2038 N. Clark St
Chicago, Illinois , United States
Born February 13, 1960
Died Still Living (64 years)
ContributorTX DEM
Last ModifedRBH
Oct 02, 2017 10:49pm
Tags Italian - Married - Navy - Union Member - Straight -
InfoJan Donatelli is a woman who likes a challenge and enjoys finding solutions even more. She has a multi-faceted background as a military veteran and a union member. Jan has lived around the world from Germany to Hawaii, and she has worked with many national organizations to bring about lasting change and improvement. Jan is a regular person, with regular problems just like you—not a professional politician. She has worked her entire life – started two businesses, and is a wife and mother. Life experience has taught Jan that the best plans are pragmatic, and solution-driven. Jan knows how to lead, she is experienced on the national stage and she is ready to hit the ground running for you, from day one!

Graduating from The College of William and Mary in 1982, Jan struggled to find work that seemed meaningful. Searching for service, she became a commissioned officer in United States Navy and a pilot, a true trailblazer for women in a new field of opportunity. As a pilot, she rose to Aircraft Commander, and then to Mission Commander in the Strategic Command network for InterContinental Ballistic Missiles. After fulfilling her service commitment, including time as an instructor pilot, Jan left active duty to become a commercial airline pilot for a major carrier.

Through her union membership in the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l, AFL-CIO, Jan became inspired to become an activist. She has worked for the betterment of workers and their families ever since: expanding the rights of workers to organize and to have quality healthcare; improving Air Traffic Control systems, and researching solar radiation hazards for aircrew and passengers. In Congress, Jan will be a tireless worker for modernization, supporting the most practical proposals.

As a military member, and the daughter of a Vietnam vet, Jan understands the implications of war—war is never free, or a bargain—there is always a human cost which ultimately must be considered. A cost which is borne not only by the military members and their families, but also by our society as we provide them with the critical support we have promised—and which they fully deserve. Jan has worked to support additional facilities for homeless veterans, the proper review of treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to include the differences between men and women, and the research and treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury. Jan also will work to improve the health needs of women service members and vets, and the support families need when their beloved service member is deployed or injured. Jan pledges to actively work to see that no wife, husband, or parent has to quit their job, or bankrupt their family, to stay home to support any injured warrior! Jan will be tireless in her pursuit of support for women vets, Purple Hearts and Blue Star families. Jan lives the motto, “The heart of a nation is measured in how it treats its veterans.”

Jan is deep-rooted into the Chicagoland community, and enjoys the diversity that our great area has to offer. Jan especially appreciates the working-class nature of our city, and is proud to be from the “City of Big Shoulders.” Jan’s primary economic focus will be to return lasting, high-paying jobs to the 5th US Congressional District and Chicagoland, firstly through fixing our transit system and infrastructure. As a Transportation Policy member to the Obama-Biden ’08 campaign, Jan advocated for a comprehensive, secure system that will unify our country into a seamless multi-modal system, uniting aviation, trains, trucks and cargo. She has supported the need for a Midwestern trucking hub, and upgrading our major ports to a level which encourages the very best of the world’s business. With our district bordering O’Hare Airport, and including many light industrial parks, we especially need to encourage and support the transportation industry. Our airport is critical to our national economic health—not to speak of our own. Additionally, many of us in our district commute downtown to work. We must have a system which is on time, and on target!

Jan also believes we must acknowledge climate change, and turn our economy toward sustainable “green” sources of energy. Wind, solar, algae—all of these are technologies that can be harnessed to support our national needs, and provide lasting, high-paying jobs. And can we imagine where our foreign policy would be without a dependence on oil from the Middle East?

Education is another of Jan’s major platforms. Education is the key to creating lasting industries that propel America into a prosperous future, and it is education which creates caring, productive citizens. Jan fully supports a reform of “No Child Left Behind.” Unlike the current status of this law, Jan fully believes that no law should be mandated, and yet unfunded. Additionally, the spiraling costs of college are placing this educational goal beyond the reach of many working families—this is a national emergency which must be fixed, and Jan supports President-Elect Obama’s plan for national service in return for affordable college, and the expansion of Federal student loan programs.

Like many Americans, Jan is part of a blended family. Re-married two years ago with six wonderful children, ages 12-22, her house is a home of raucous fun. The children all love playing sports and games. An animal lover, Jan lives with two rescue animals— a dog and a cat—demonstrating her bipartisanship spirit. Her children all attend public schools, and while her husband was raised a Southsider, Jan roots for the Cubs (hope springs eternal!) She looks forward to working for you, the residents of the 5th US Congressional District, to bring about the clear change that we all hope for.


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