Affiliation | Democratic |
Name | Joseph Lane |
Address | Oregon City, Oregon , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
December 14, 1801 |
Died |
April 19, 1881
(79 years) |
Contributor | U Ole Polecat |
Last Modifed | RBH Aug 12, 2015 04:49pm |
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Info | LANE, Joseph, (father of La Fayette Lane and grandfather of Harry Lane), a Delegate and a Senator from Oregon; born in Buncombe County, N.C., December 14, 1801 to John and Elizabeth Street Lane. Nine years later the family moved to Henderson, Kentucky. Attended the common schools; worked in a general store; moved to Vanderburg County IN in 1821 and farmed. Elected to the first of several terms in the State house of representatives in 1822; member, State senate 1844-1846. With the beginning of the Mexican War in 1846, he received the commission of colonel in the 2nd Indiana Volunteers. He attained the rank of major-general in 1847 before his discharge in 1848.
Governor (D-OR Terr) 1848-1850. President James K. Polk appointed Lane governor of the new Oregon Territory in 1848. After a hazardous midwinter journey, he arrived at Oregon City in March 1849 to begin his duties. These duties included traveling to Walla Walla country to secure the surrender of five Cayuse Indians accused in relation to the Whitman Massacre. The Indians were later convicted and hanged. Lane served as governor until June 1850.
Delegate to U.S. House (D-OR Terr) 1851-1859 when Oregon became a state.
Contender for Democratic nomination for President 1852.
U.S. Senator (D-OR) 1859-1861; one of the state’s first two Senators. Chairman, Committee on Engrossed Bills (Thirty-sixth Congress), Committee on Revolutionary Claims (Thirty-sixth Congress).
Candidate for vice president on the Breckenridge Democratic ticket in 1860.
Lane's pro-slavery Southern sympathies limited his political career in the 1860s. He spent the rest of his life on his land claim in the Umpqua Valley where he took no active part in politics. Died in Roseburg, Oreg., April 19, 1881; interment in the Masonic Cemetery.
One of his sons, Lafayette Lane served in Congress from 1875 to 1877; and a grandson, Dr. Harry Lane, was a U.S. Senator from 1913 to 1917, dying in office.
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