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  Cummins, Michael
NameMichael Cummins
Address7727 Sod Rd
Brook Park, Minnesota , United States
Born July 23, 1963
Died Still Living (61 years)
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Sep 12, 2023 01:15pm

Growing up I remember many times going up to my grandparents resort on the Scenic Highway north of Grand Rapids and Bovey. This was where I remember fishing off of the dock catching little sunnies, learning how to swim and learning how to track in the woods. I remember walking down to the mail box picking blueberries and finding mushrooms for grandma. In the mid-70's my grandmother passed away and grandpa moved into Bovey where we would walk up the hill and look into the mines. I remember my grandpa's white car turning red as he drove us into the mines. It really was pretty cool seeing all of the big trucks.

My greatest childhood memories were in northern Minnesota.


I was 24 when my grandfather passed away and I love to visit Grand Rapids where they are buried. It amazes me how much things have changed and how much they have stayed the same. We always stay at the Sawmill Inn when we stay over night, which used to be the Holiday Inn back in the late 70's and early 80's (not sure when they change ownership). I remember after the funeral going out to the resort and removing the resort sign which still hangs in my basement. I love history because it always brings me back to where I came from.

Today I hunt, fish, snowmobile, ice fish, ATV, Scuba Dive and ski in northern Minnesota. I also love to go antler hunting in the spring - I have not done as well as I would like, but there are many more opportunities to find that great shed.

As a family we love to go up the north shore to Gooseberry Falls, Split Rock and a little out of the way rest stop just north of Duluth for sandwiches every time we drive by. Minnesota has so much to offer from the BWCA to Ice Fishing on Rainy to Diving in the Crosby Mines. I also love to go Bass fishing in the Chisago Lakes area and Walleye fishing at Mille Lacs. It just is a great place to raise a family.



* Owner / CEO of Visual Homes Real Estate Co.
* Owner / COO of Braham Development & Real Estate Co.
* Owner / Manager of Lindisfarne Retreat Center
* Project Manager for Seal Guard Systems, Inc.


* Meadow Creek Christian School ~ Class of '81
* HTTC South Campus ~ High Speed Machinery Mechanic
* Pro Source Real Estate School
* Pro Source Appraisers School
* 20 years of Continuing Education (15 hours a year required)
* GRI - Graduate Realtors Institute
* ECO Broker Classes

Associations and Memberships

* Member of the National Association of Realtors®
* Member of the Minnesota Association of Realtors®
* Member of the St Paul Area Association of Realtors®
* Member and Past President of the Fishers of Men Fishing Club
* Member of the National Rifle Association
* SNBA Member - Builders Association
* Attends Quamba Baptist Church, Quamba, MN
* Past Board Member of GEM Fishing Camp and Club
* ECO Broker Certified
* AYSO Pine City Board Member
* Braham Chamber of Commerce Member
* DAN Member, Scuba Diving Membership

Volunteer Organizations that I have and do participate in

* AYSO Soccer Referee, Pine City ~ 2006, 2007, 2008
* MPCA ECO Experience Volunteer and Design Team ~ 2007 & 2008
* Project Cozumel Home Rebuilding Project ~ 2006 & 2008
* Fishing Guide - Atikwa Lake Lodge, Ontario ~ 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008
* Fishing for Life Volunteer ~ 2006, 2207, 2008
* GEM Fishing Camp Volunteer / Fishing Guide ~ 1998 - 2007
* Twin Cities Pastors Tournament Volunteer ~ 2006 (won the tournament) & 2007
* Buddy System Tournament Director ~ 2005 & 2006
* AWANA Game Director ~ Braham Covenant Church, Braham ~ 2003, 2004, 2005
* AWANA Game Director ~ Edinbrook Church, Brooklyn Park ~ 1998 & 1999
* Radio Host with KKMS AM980 ~ 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
* Marshall at the Burnet Senior Classic ~ 1998, 1999
* Summer Camp Counselor ~ Trailblazer/Junior High ~ 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995
* Fish Fair Director ~ 1998, 1999
* Special Olympics Volunteer

What do I love to do

* Fishing - I have fished from International Falls to Chisago County and all counties in between. Small Mouth Bass, Northern, Large Mouth Bass, Sunnies, Crappies, Muskie and Walleye.
* Hunting - I do some bird hunting but I enjoy time in the deer stand with my kids. I was there when my son shot his first deer and love to take my daughter in the stand.
* Scuba Diving - from diving the Crosby Mines to Cozumel, It is something that really is relaxing for me.
* Volunteering - as a family we volunteer between 200 to 500 hours a year, from serving meals in Minneapolis to the food shelf in Braham. Taking kids fishing to soccer coach in Pine City. It is what we do and who we are.
* Project Cozumel - each Spring a bunch of divers and friends from a church in Rochester go down to Cozumel where we put concrete roofs on homes being rebuilt as a result of hurricane Wilma in 2005. To date we have replaced 6 roofs and worked on many other homes.
* Working at the Retreat Center - there is always something to do. Climbing in my skid steer and pushing dirt to siding a cabin, I love to spend time with the kids working on projects.


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  11/08/2016 MN State Senate 11 Lost 45.36% (-9.14%)
  11/05/2013 IDS0578 Pine City School Board Lost 4.53% (-17.16%)
  11/02/2010 MN State Senate 08 Lost 44.94% (-9.97%)
  11/04/2008 MN District 8 Lost 32.15% (-35.53%)
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