Affiliation | Republican |
Name | William Bunten |
Address | 1701 SW 30th Topeka, Kansas 66611, United States |
Email | bunten@senate.state.ks.us |
Website | None |
Born |
April 05, 1930 |
Died |
February 29, 2020
(89 years) |
Contributor | Wishful Thinking |
Last Modifed | David Mar 02, 2020 07:34pm |
Tags |
Info | William Wallace Bunten
Mayor William W. Bunten has spent a lifetime serving the citizens of Topeka, so it’s only natural that he should add the City’s top elected post to his list of accomplishments.
A native Topekan, Bunten graduated from Topeka Public Schools, then went on to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Kansas in 1952. Upon graduation, he enlisted in the United State Marine Corps serving as an infantry officer with the First and Third Marine Divisions in Japan and Korea.
After his discharge from the Corps, Mayor Bunten served as a Loan Officer for Capitol Federal Savings until 1956 when he took a position with the Kaw Dehydrating Company, a family business, as Vice-President of Sales. In 1984, Bunten formed the Bunten Company, a property management firm.
The Mayor’s public service career began forty-two years ago when in 1962 he was first elected to the Kansas House of Representatives, where he served for 28 years. Leadership positions there included the House Republican Leadership, 1982-1990; Chairman, House Appropriations Committee, 1982-1990; Vice Chairman, House Appropriations Committee, 1976-1982; Former Chairman, State Budget Committee, Governmental Reorganization Committee, Legislative/ Congressional/Judicial Reapportionment Committee, Legislative Post Audit Committee; Chairman, Capitol Area Plaza Authority, 1988-1990; Former Member of the State Finance Council, Public Health and Welfare, State and Federal Affairs, and Labor and Industry Committees.
In 2003 Bunten was appointed to the Kansas State Senate to complete the term of Lynn Jenkins who was elected State Treasurer. There he served on the Senate Ways and Means Committee and was Chairman of Senate Ways and Means subcommittees, as well as a member of the Senate Education, Commerce, and Post Audit Committees.
His community service includes Past President of the Active 20-30 Club of Topeka; a Board member of First United Methodist Church, Topeka, 1962-1972; a past member, Family Service and Guidance Center; and the former Chair of Shawnee County Republican Central Committee.
Bunten and his wife JoAnn have two children, Bill, Jr. and Sandra Ann, a daughter-in-law – Stephanie, and two grandchildren, Hillary and Elaine.
In his free time Bunten enjoys sports, history, and politics.
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