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  Hubler, Kurt
NameKurt Hubler
Council Bluffs, Iowa , United States
Born 00, 1968
Died Still Living (57 years)
ContributorWishful Thinking
Last Modifededdy 9_99
Jul 19, 2010 07:54pm
InfoKurt Hubler

Kurt Hubler

Kurt Hubler’s family roots are in western Iowa as well as in state politics. His grandfather and a cousin on his mother’s side both served in the Iowa Legislature, along with an uncle who later became an assistant state attorney general. Both of Kurt’s parents grew up in Council Bluffs, where he attended elementary school before moving to Omaha in 1977. In Omaha, Kurt went to Central High School and became a reporter for the student newspaper. His talents in journalism were first highlighted when he received awards from the University of Nebraska at Omaha and the University of Iowa’s Quill & Scroll Contest.

Kurt also had aspirations of being an actor and appeared in numerous community theater productions in Omaha and Council Bluffs. After high school, Kurt moved to Denver, where his father, Rob, was working on Roy Romer’s gubernatorial campaign. Kurt became an administrative assistant at a local talent agency that led to his landing a role opposite Anthony Perkins in the film “Destroyer.” This resulted in his becoming a union member when he joined the Screen Actors Guild.

Afterward, Kurt enrolled at DePaul University’s Theatre School in Chicago, but he soon realized his true ambition was to be a journalist. He returned to Iowa and studied media at the University of Northern Iowa. Kurt became an intern at UNI’s Public Radio Station, and upon his graduating cum laude, he received the Associated Press Broadcasters Award for Outstanding Student Excellence.

Although his first job after college was in television, Kurt quickly returned to public radio as a reporter for the NPR affiliate in Elkhart, Ind. Within a year, he received awards from the A.P. Broadcasters and a new job with the Dallas NPR affiliate, KERA. Aside from reporting, Kurt became a guest host for the station’s three local call-in talk shows. Kurt also developed a love for Dallas’ plethora of fine dining restaurants. After realizing the financial benefits, he took a leave from broadcasting to work in the service industry.

While at one of Dallas’ more exclusive restaurants, Kurt’s father called with the news that he would be running for the U.S. Congress in Iowa’s 5th District. Kurt did not hesitate to return home to Council Bluffs to serve as his father’s campaign coordinator.

Now, as a candidate, Kurt will use his experiences that revolved around working with people to demonstrate his ability to address Iowans’ concerns in the 99th District and throughout the state.


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/02/2010 IA State House 099 Lost 44.53% (-10.70%)
  06/08/2010 IA State House 099- D Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/04/2008 IA State House 099 Lost 48.29% (-3.32%)
  06/03/2008 IA State House 099 - D Primary Won 98.94% (+97.87%)
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