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  Jennings, Rodger
NameRodger Jennings
Alton, Illinois , United States
Born July 09, 1954
Died Still Living (71 years)
Last Modifedev
Sep 26, 2011 05:33pm
InfoRodger Jennings, 53, is a professional project manager in the private business sector with over 25 years of experience in Information Technology (IT) and in banking business practices. Born on July 9,1954 in Alton, Illinois and raised in East Alton, Rodger’s current residence is in Alton.

Rodger has an Associates Degree in IT from CDI, located in St. Louis University. Rodger worked in the computer related field for over 20 years until changing careers. Today he is certified as a Black Belt of Six Sigma business practices and is Senior Manager of projects for Western Union and employed there for 28 years. Rodger is in favor of reducing the "pork" in our government and change how money is spent.

Although Rodger has never served in the armed forces, he greatly respects and honors the men and women of the armed forces that protect our freedom. It is not unusual to drive by his house where you will see the Unites States Flag displayed as Rodger is a proud patriotic American.

Rodger is a member of the Green Party and is the current Chairman of the Metro East Green Party which supports the counties of Madison, Macoupin, St. Clair, Jersey, and Calhoun. The Metro East Green Party is affiliated with the Illinois Green Party.

Rodger is a widower since 2003. He married Karen Pirok in December, 1973 and was married 29 years at the time of his wife’s untimely death. Rodger has three adult children, Rodger, Jr. and his wife Johnnie, Anthony and his wife Beth, and Danielle, and her husband Darrell. Rodger has seven grandchildren ranging from 8 years old down to 2 years old, Brittany, Sierra, Rodger III, Sonny, Jillian, Alexander, and Christopher. All the families live locally in the 12th Congressional District. Rodger is very family orientated has been active in his children’s lives since the day they were born. He volunteer, coached and was Athletic Director in the Catholic League, coached and on the Board of the Directors of the Godfrey Khoury League. After his children graduated school, Rodger then became active in the Alton Volunteer Emergency Corps, a local search and rescue volunteer organization and is on the Executive Board as Treasurer.

In 2003, the entire Jennings Family was recognized as Alton’s Home Town Hero for all the volunteer work performed during the past years. They were recognized in a formal ceremony in the fall of 2003 at the Alton Expo.

Paid for by the Committee to Elect Rodger Jennings For Congress

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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/02/2010 IL - District 12 Lost 3.64% (-56.18%)
  02/02/2010 IL District 12-G Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/04/2008 IL - District 12 Lost 3.66% (-67.71%)
  02/05/2008 IL District 12-G Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
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