Affiliation | Green |
Name | Steve Alesch |
Address | Winfield Township, Illinois , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
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Unknown |
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Still Living
(2025 years) |
Contributor | ev |
Last Modifed | ev Aug 17, 2007 07:46pm |
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Info | About Steve
Steve Alesch has worked as a software engineer in the Illinois 13th Congressional District for over 28 years. He has lived in Warrenville for the last 6 years. Steve has a BA in Computer Science from Southern Illinois University and a MS in Computer Science from Illinois Institute of Technology. He also taught a computer science class for 2 semesters at Illinois Institute of Technology.
Steve is a co-chair of the DuPage County Green Party (DCGP) and an Illinois Green Party Coordinating Committee Representative for the DCGP. Steve is also the DuPage County Winfield Township 2nd Precinct (The fighting 2nd!) Green Party Committeeperson.
Why run for Congress?
Steve is running for congress because of a deep concern that if "we the people" do not wrestle control of our government back from the corporate and big money interests, our children's generation will not be able to enjoy the same or better opportunities than our generation has enjoyed. Many of us are already seeing signs of this. US workers today, in 2007, make less, when adjusted for inflation, then they made when George W. Bush entered office in 2000, which is unprecedented since the great depression. US corporate profits are at an all-time high, as is the stock market, but US workers have been left behind. 6% more US citizens are in poverty since George W. Bush entered office, and at the same time huge tax cuts have been given to the wealthiest 1% of US citizens. George W. Bush has given $30,000 a year tax cuts to people making over a million dollars a year and a $6 a year tax cut for those making less than $50,000 a year. Since Ronald Reagan busted the Air Traffic Controllers union in the 1980s, union membership in the private sector has declined from 25% of workers to only 7% today. A declining percentage of union works in the US inevitably means a declining middle class, as we are already seeing. Under this President's Justice Department, companies like Walmart are allowed to illegally intimidate and even fire workers for attempting to form unions and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales refuses to prosecute.
President Bush's administration and the Republican Party has also run our country into near bankruptcy and this current Democratic Party controlled Congress has continued to give George W. Bush a blank check to continue the carnage in Iraq, even though the US national debt is increasing at a rate approaching nearly 1 trillion dollars per year. Prior to Ronald Reagan, the total US national debt was 1 trillion dollars. President Reagan and George H. W. Bush added 4 trillion dollars to the national debt in just 12 years. This president has recklessly added another 4 trillion dollars to the debt in just his first 6.5 years in office.
Then we have the illegal and immoral invasion and occupation of Iraq supported by both corporate controlled parties and the current attempts by both parties to force the Iraqi government to pass oil sharing laws that would guarantee US and British oil companies obscene profits for the next 30 years amounting to 70% of all Iraqi oil profits, which is unprecedented throughout the rest of the Middle East.
Both corporate parties are also saying they would consider repeating the same mistakes of Iraq in Iran. This is another country that poses no threat to the US, but has oil reserves almost as large as Iraq, so the two corporate parties can't be trusted to resist their penchant for illegally invading sovereign countries and murdering innocent people in order to steal their resources and expand the US empire that now spends more on our military then all other countries in the world combined and has more than 700 military bases in over 130 countries (2/3 of all the countries in the world). Even putting the immorality and illegal aspects aside, attacking Iran, a much more prosperous country and stronger military than Iraq, especially since Iran has not had to endure 10 years of UN sanctions that caused the death of over 1 million Iraqi civilians during a Democratic Party administration, would be reckless. Iran also has twice the population of Iraq.
I think it's time for a new perspective in Washington DC, the Green Party perspective. A perspective that respects all human beings and does not support oppressing people all over the world in order to increase US corporate profits.
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