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  Huck, Rainer
NameRainer Huck
Address1680 East Atkin Avenue
Salt Lake City, Utah 84106, United States
Born 00, 1946
Died Still Living (78 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedRBH
Aug 14, 2019 01:55pm
InfoAdd another name to the list of Salt Lake City mayoral candidates.
Retired engineer and self-proclaimed "freelance philosopher" Rainer Huck filed his candidacy with the city recorder's office Thursday, becoming the fifth official candidate among eight people who have declared their candidacy in the crowded race.

Huck's campaign may be as much about who he isn't as who he is.

"The theme of my campaign is that I am the un-Rocky," he said, referring to Salt Lake Mayor Rocky Anderson, who is not seeking re-election. "None of the other candidates seem like they're willing to speak out against some of the antics Rocky has pulled. They're probably concerned about the polls that show he still has a lot of support. I'm not worried about that."

Huck, as president of the Utah Shared Access Alliance, has written a number of letters to the editor and guest editorials in recent years, decrying what he sees as extreme environmentalism and calling for more access for off-road vehicles.

On Thursday, he decried "the abuses that (Anderson) has perpetrated while in office, especially his environmental extremism and the global-warming business, which I feel has absolutely no place in the mayor's office."

Anderson has been an outspoken advocate on the international level for fighting global climate change, including co-hosting the Sundance Summit, a gathering of mayors at actor Robert Redford's Sundance resort that focuses on ways local governments can reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. Anderson has also traveled to speak at dozens of environmental summits, conferences and other meetings.

Huck has filed a voluntary declaration to limit his campaign expenditures to no more than $75,000 of his own money and no more than $375,000 total. He is the only current candidate to have made the voluntary pledge.

In fact, Huck said he plans to accept no campaign contributions — at all, from anyone. He said he hopes his campaign will be a rebuff to "all the special-interest influence in the mayor's election and the amount of money that's going into it."

Huck also pledged to serve only one term if elected.

"I will put the interest of the taxpayers as my No. 1 priority," he said, promising to reduce the city's budget by 25 percent in four years.

The mayor's race is officially nonpartisan, but most candidates are identified as having strong ties to one party or another. Huck said he is a registered Republican, but he added, "I no longer claim that affiliation. I haven't de-listed myself, but I would say I am independent."

The official filing period for candidacy for mayor and the City Council began Monday and continues through July 16. Most current candidates jumped in the race months ago, and a number of early candidates have already dropped out. Huck's filing this week is the first time he has publicly discussed plans to run.

Emigrated with parents from Germany in 1949 at age three.

Attended Whittier School from grades K through Seven. Grades two through 5 were pretty tough because of all the bigotry and hate speech.

Attended Lincoln Jr. High for grade Eight. Here I learned the true nature of a tough and violent school where gangs held sway and daily beatings were the rule.

Attended Clayton Jr. High for grade Nine. What a breath of fresh air. Students were actually interested in learning and didn’t have to bring zip guns to school for protection. The first term was a difficult adjustment academically but then things got a lot better.

Attended Highland High for grades 10-12. What a wonderful school it was in those days. Except for Rex Hintze and his peculiar rendition of “If I had a Hammer”, the most serious crime was smoking in the parking lot.

University of Utah 1964-1968. Finished the five year Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering course in 4 years.

University of Utah 1968-1974 Graduated with Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering.
1965-1986 Real estate investor, Property manager.

1975-1986 Freelance philosopher, Researcher in fundamental physics

1986 – Present Public lands access advocate, President of Utah Trail Machine Association for 10 years, President of Utah Shared Access Alliance for seven years, Director, International Society of Unified Science for 32 years, President of Utah Apartment Association for one year. Still a freelance philosopher and writer.

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