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  Brown, Sherrod
NameSherrod Brown
Avon, Ohio , United States
Born November 09, 1952
Died Still Living (72 years)
Last ModifedRP
Jun 23, 2024 09:39pm
Tags Caucasian - Married - Lutheran - Straight -
InfoSince voters in Ohio's 13th Congressional District first sent him to Congress in 1992, Sherrod Brown has become one of Congress' most respected voices on health care, trade policy, job creation, the environment, and other issues important to his Northeast Ohio district.

Brown is the ranking member on the Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee. He also serves on the Subcommittees on Telecommunications and the Internet and Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection. Brown's other assignments include the House International Relations Committee and its Asia and the Pacific Subcommittee.

As the Health Subcommittee's leading Democrat, Brown has achieved national acclaim fighting to give Americans access to affordable prescription drugs. He led the effort in the House to close legal loopholes used by brand-name drug companies to prevent price competition. Seniors groups in Ohio have honored Brown for sponsoring bus trips to Canada that allow consumers to get prescriptions drugs for up to 80% less than the price in the U.S.

A leader on children's health issues, Brown was the chief Democratic sponsor of the bipartisan Children's Health Act of 2000, which established a new Pediatric Research Initiative within the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and expanded research projects on autism, birth defects, and other child-related illnesses and diseases. His efforts earned him the "Friend of Children and Children's Hospitals" award from the National Association of Children's Hospitals.

The American Public Health Association, the nation's largest public health organization with 50,000 members, recognized Congressman Brown with its Distinguished Public Health Legislator of the Year Award for 2002.

In addition to health-related achievements, Brown has fought trade agreements that threaten American jobs, undermine environmental safeguards, and eliminate workplace safety protections. He believes international trade agreements should include protections for workers in America and across the globe, including fair wages, decent working conditions, and the right to unionize. As a fierce critic of the North American Free Trade Agreement, he played a key role in efforts to defeat "fast track" trade negotiating authority in Congress. Brown also spoke against granting China increased trade privileges until its leaders adhere to internationally accepted human rights practices.

A member of the House International Relations Committee, Brown has brought the global tuberculosis threat to the policy forefront. He led a five-year effort that increased funding for international anti-TB programs from zero to the current $75 million. In addition to TB, Brown worked against the pharmaceutical industry's efforts to restrict African countries' access to life-saving prescription drugs for HIV/AIDS. He is also a founding member of the Congressional Caucuses for Taiwan and India.

As a long-standing member of the U.S. House and Senate Great Lakes Task Force, Brown has worked to preserve the economic and environmental vitality of Lake Erie and all the Great Lakes. He has led the charge to halt attempts by private companies to buy and sell Great Lakes water.

Born and raised in Mansfield, Ohio, Brown achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. He graduated from Yale University with a degree in Russian studies and later earned master's degrees in education and public administration from Ohio State University. He served two terms as Ohio's Secretary of State and four terms in the Ohio House of Representatives.

Brown is married to Cleveland Plain Dealer columnist Connie Schultz, who won the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for Commentary. He is the father of two daughters, Emily, a union organizer for the Service Employees International Union, and Elizabeth, an AmeriCorps graduate and student at Columbia University. Stepdaughter Caitlin is a high school student in Ohio. Stepson Andrew Gard is a doctoral student at Ohio State University.

Brown's first book, Congress from the Inside: Observations from the Majority and the Minority, is in its third edition, and his latest book, Myths of Free Trade, was published in September, 2004.

DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know
08/20/2021-08/24/2021 Redfield & Wilton Strategies 42.00% (+0.0) 28.00% (+0.0) 30.00% (+0.0)
06/18/2020-06/22/2020 Quinnipiac University 47.00% (+0.0) 34.00% (+0.0) 19.00% (-4.0)
10/29/2018-10/30/2018 Gravis Marketing 37.00% (+0.0) 40.00% (+0.0) 23.00% (+0.0)
09/28/2018-10/08/2018 Baldwin Wallace University 47.80% (-1.7) 29.20% (+2.1) 23.00% (-0.4)
09/28/2018-10/08/2018 Baldwin Wallace University 47.80% (-1.7) 29.20% (+2.1) 22.70% (-0.7)
09/16/2018-09/20/2018 Marist Institute 47.80% (+0.0) 29.20% (+0.0) 18.00% (+0.0)
09/05/2018-09/15/2018 Baldwin Wallace University 49.50% (+0.0) 27.10% (+0.0) 23.40% (+0.0)
09/05/2018-09/15/2018 Baldwin Wallace University 49.50% (+0.0) 27.10% (+0.0) 20.90% (+0.0)
06/11/2018-07/02/2018 SurveyMonkey 57.00% (+0.0) 37.00% (+0.0) 6.00% (+0.0)
06/07/2018-06/12/2018 Quinnipiac University 55.00% (+7.0) 29.00% (-1.0) 16.00% (-6.0)

Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Feb 17, 2012 03:00pm Oops Sen. Sherrod Brown was delinquent on taxes for his D.C. condo  Article Imperator 
Mar 06, 2011 07:00am General Sherrod Brown apologizes for comparing GOP to Hitler, Stalin  Article kal 
Oct 17, 2006 09:00pm Profile The Columnist Who Shut Up to Speak Out  Article RP 
Nov 21, 2005 04:00pm Profile Who is Sherrod Brown?  Article RP 
Nov 08, 2005 10:00am News (Sherrod) Brown's Alito letter lifted from blogger  Article Thomas Walker 
Nov 13, 1984 03:00pm News In politics, the Brown brothers seem to do things in a big way  Article Southern_Moderate2 

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