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  Nolan, Gary P.
NameGary P. Nolan
, California , United States
Born June 13, 1954
Died Still Living (70 years)
Contributor411 Name Removed
Last ModifedClassical Liberal
Oct 27, 2005 07:53pm
Tags Caucasian - Divorced - Catholic - Straight -
InfoRadio talk show host Gary Nolan was the initial frontrunner for the LP Presidential nomination. Starting as a local radio host over a decade ago, his show picked up a decent audience. By the time he resigned from radio program to run for President, his "Nolan at Night" show was carried on 65 Radio America network affiliates around the nation. A former Republican, he joined the LP in 1999. Nolan was realistic about the purpose of his campaign: "My goal is to be able to communicate [to voters] what Libertarians can do for the country, in such a away that people get interested in the party and join the party." On the issues, Nolan proposed that federal spending be dramatically reduced over the next four years so that the combined tax burden from all levels of government does not exceed 25%. He wanted to repeal all the security measures imposed after 9-11 in order to "immediately restore of our full civil liberties." Nolan also proposed that an individual retirement account be established for every American, consisting of their prior Social Security contributions, funded with Treasury bills of appropriate maturities. Former LP National Executive Director Steve Dasbach and current LP National Treasurer Bill Redpath endorsed Nolan, along with other prominent LP activists. He competed in the California and Missouri Presidential primary ballots. In a major surprise, Nolan finished third place at the LP Presidential Nominating Convention on the first and second ballots in May 2004 -- and threw his support to Michael Badnarik on the third ballot (which gave Badnarik the nomination).


DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know

Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
May 25, 2004 12:00am News Libertarian candidate snagged by no-fly list  Article Servo 
Mar 29, 2004 12:00am Endorsement Mancow Endorses Gary Nolan  Not Available Servo 

  05/30/2004 US President - LBT Convention Lost 23.84% (-17.15%)
  05/11/2004 US President - LBT Primaries Won 52.30% (+32.90%)
  03/02/2004 MN US President - IP Caucus Lost 0.25% (-40.86%)
US President - LBT Primary - Apr 01, 2020 LBT Jo Jorgensen
MO US Senate - R Primary - Aug 07, 2018 R Austin Petersen
US President - LBT Convention - May 30, 2004 LBT Michael Badnarik
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