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  Jotte, Randy
NameRandy Jotte
Address120 Orchard Ave
St. Louis, Missouri 63119, United States
Born January 10, 1960
Died Still Living (64 years)
ContributorU Ole Polecat
Last ModifedRBH
Feb 28, 2012 01:08pm
InfoWelcome to my “Biography.” I must admit that it seems a bit odd telling so much about myself. After all, this campaign really isn’t so much about me as it’s about us. Nevertheless, you need to know something about who I am as you consider what role you will play both in this campaign and the tasks before us. In relating my personal history I have a greater appreciation for the words of Henry David Thoreau: “I, on my side, require of every writer, first or last, a simple and sincere account of his own life.”

I am a St. Louis native. While my Mom and Dad are from small farming and coal mining towns in central Illinois, they came to St. Louis for an education and to raise their family. My dad is a family physician, dedicating his career to caring for the community of St. Ann. My mom, an English major, spent her life caring for and raising her family.

I’m one of eight kids, third from the top. While each of us had household duties, our principle and foremost responsibility was as a student. I value the emphasis my parents placed on education and try to follow their example with my own children. Any educational opportunities I have been able to pursue were made possible by the support and guidance of my mother and father.

I attended DeSmet Jesuit High School and Vanderbilt University, where I majored in Molecular Biology. With graduation I was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to Oxford University to study Cellular Immunology. It was while I was at Oxford that I came to truly understand and appreciate the United States of America and what larger role our country played in the world. In 1982, significant tensions existed between the United States and the Soviet Union as well as in other parts of the world. Some of my student friends were from restrictive eastern bloc countries like Poland and Hungary. Others were political refugees from the recent revolution in Iran or grew up in western Sudan where premonitions of today’s unrest in Darfur already existed. Hearing the stories of their lives, I began to realize how few people have the stability and opportunities of our society. I began to read the International Herald Tribune to understand more about the issues of our world and, eventually, the Federalist Papers to understand more about our nation. Having close friends from countries with far fewer freedoms than ours, I came to deeply appreciate our democratic system of government where the people are sovereign.

After my Fulbright Scholarship, I attended Harvard Medical School and completed my residency training in Emergency Medicine at Georgetown and George Washington University in Washington, D.C. It was while in Washington, D.C. that I met my best friend and wife – Susan Aylward, also a St. Louis native. We were married in 1991 and lived for 9 years in Chagrin Falls, Ohio, a small town outside Cleveland. In Chagrin Falls, I served three terms on Village Council. I worked as an emergency physician in Cleveland at MetroHealth Medical Center and Mt. Sinai Medical Center, where I also served as department director.

We returned home to St. Louis in 2001. Our sons, Christian and Anthony, are ten and eight years old respectively. Both Susan and I have extensive families in St. Louis, including my father and Susan’s parents. Though my mother died in 2001, I know that in some manner she is a part of this campaign and my effort to make a positive impact in the world around us.

We live in Webster Groves, where I was elected to City Council in 2004. I am an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at Washington University and work in the Emergency Department at Barnes-Jewish Hospital.

I’ve tried to keep this accounting simple. I can assure you it is sincere. I hope this has given you some insight into my past and present. I ask you to help play a role in my future.


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