Affiliation | Independent |
Name | Jackie Kelly |
Address | , New South Wales , Australia |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
February 18, 1964 |
Died |
Still Living
(61 years) |
Contributor | Karma Policeman |
Last Modifed | RP Mar 15, 2015 08:04pm |
Tags |
Info | Parliamentary Service
Elected to the House of Representatives for Lindsay, New South Wales, 2.3.1996. Disqualified 11.9.1996. Re-elected at by-election 19.10.1996 and general elections 1998, 2001 and 2004.
Ministerial Appointments
Minister for Sport and Tourism from 21.10.98 to 26.11.01.
Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Sydney 2000 Games from 21.10.98 to 30.01.01.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister from 26.11.01 to 26.10.04.
Committee Service
House of Representatives Standing: Environment, Recreation and the Arts from 30.5.96 to 11.9.96 and from 19.10.96 to 31.8.98; Industry, Science and Technology from 24.9.97 to 31.8.98; Communications, Information Technology and the Arts from 1.12.04; Environment and Heritage from 1.12.04; Industry and Resources from 1.12.04; Science and Innovation from 1.12.04.
Joint Statutory: Corporations and Financial Services from 1.12.04.
Born 18.2.1964, Upper Hutt, New Zealand.
Qualifications and Occupation before entering Federal Parliament
LLB (Qld).
Probation and parole officer 1987-88.
RAAF Legal Officer 1989-96.
Military Service
RAAF 1989-96.
Date | Firm | Approve | Disapprove | Don't Know |
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