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  Kowalsky, Myron
AffiliationNew Democratic   
NameMyron Kowalsky
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan , Canada
Born June 11, 1941
Died Still Living (83 years)
Last ModifedCampari_007
Oct 13, 2020 08:04pm
InfoP. Myron Kowalsky was born in North Battleford, Saskatchewan. He attended high school in North Battleford and Saskatoon. He obtained a B.A., B. Ed with Distinction, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Curriculum Studies from the University of Saskatchewan. Myron began his teaching career in 1961. He taught at Quill Lake School, Unity Composite School, Riverside Collegiate, and Carlton Comprehensive High School in Prince Albert.

Myron spent time in Gambia on Project Overseas. Throughout his career Myron stayed involved in farming, teaching, home construction, and was a crop hail adjuster. Myron is keenly interested and an advocate for the arts, with a special interest in drama and dance. He is a member of the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Prince Albert. Myron Kowalsky is married and has two daughters and two grandchildren.

Myron was first elected to the Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly in 1986. He was re-elected again in 1991, 1995, 1999, and 2003. Myron has served as Government Whip and on various committees. He most recently chaired the Special Committee on Tobacco Control.

On March 20, 2001, Myron was elected as Speaker of the Sask Legislative Assembly and re-elected as Speaker in 2004. Currently Myron is the Chair of the Standing Committees on House Services and Privilege. He chairs the Board of Internal Economy of the Legislative Assembly. He also serves as Co-Chair of the Canada-Midwest Relations Committee and hosted the Midwest Legislative Conference which was held in Regina in July 2005.

Myron has served on the executive committee of the CPA. He chairs the Saskatchewan Branch of the CPA, and serves on the executive committee of the CSG-Midwest.

DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know

Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/05/2003 SK Provincial Legislature - Prince Albert Carlton Won 58.59% (+29.92%)
  09/16/1999 SK Provincial Legislature - Prince Albert Carlton Won 54.04% (+24.22%)
  06/21/1995 SK Provincial Legislature - Prince Albert Carlton Won 54.11% (+21.97%)
  10/21/1991 SK Provincial Legislature - Prince Albert Carlton Won 59.70% (+38.10%)
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