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  Bergman, Lawrence S.
AffiliationParti Libéral du Québec   
NameLawrence S. Bergman
Montréal, Québec , Canada
Born December 06, 1940
Died Still Living (84 years)
ContributorSome say...
Last ModifedMonsieur
Feb 19, 2007 08:07pm
-Bachelor of Arts, Sir George Williams University (1961)
-Diploma, Faculty of Law, Université de Montréal (1964)
-Chambre des notaires (1965)

Professional experience:
-Partner, Berger & Bergman notarial firm (1966-1994)

Community and political activities:
-Member, committee on discipline, Chambre des notaires du Québec
-President, B'nai Brith Bonaventure Lodge No. 2401 (1969-1970)
-Board member, House of Israel Synagogue, Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts (1990-1992)
-Vice-president, Adath Israel-Poale Zedek Congregation of Montréal (1991-1992)
-President, Adath Israel-Poale Zedek Congregation of Montréal (1992-1996)
-Board member, Montréal Jewish Community (1993-1996)
-Board member, Canadian institute for research on Judaism (1995-2003)
-Honorary president, The YM-YWHA (Montréal Jewish community centres) (1995-1997)
-Recipient, Rabbanit Sarah Herzog award, granted by Emunah Women of Canada, in recognition of his services to the Jewish community and the State of Israel (1996)
-Member, advisory committee, McGill University Faculty of Religious Studies (1998-2003)
-Member, Montréal executive, State of Israel Bonds (1998-2003)
-Honorary director, Magen David Adom Canadien pour Israël (1998-2003)
-Recipient, Jerusalem Prize 1999, awarded by the city of Jerusalem, the World Zionist Organization and the Canadian Zionist Federation, Eastern region
-Recipient, cultural development decoration, presented by the Délégation de la Renaissance française au Québec (2000)

Political, parliamentary and ministerial functions:
-Elected as Member for D'Arcy-McGee in the general election held on September 12, 1994
-Official Opposition critic for the administration of legislation respecting professions and the Consumer Protection Act, November 2, 1994 to October 28, 1998
-Official Opposition critic for legislation respecting professions January 19, 1999 to March 12, 2003
-Official Opposition critic for consumer protection October 19, 2000 to March 12, 2003
-Minister of Revenue since April 29, 2003


DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know

Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  09/04/2012 QC National Assembly - D'Arcy-McGee Won 84.72% (+77.35%)
  12/08/2008 QC National Assembly - D'Arcy-McGee Won 88.75% (+84.55%)
  03/26/2007 QC National Assembly - D'Arcy-McGee Won 84.21% (+77.49%)
  04/14/2003 QC National Assembly - D'Arcy-McGee Won 91.29% (+87.15%)
  11/30/1998 QC National Assembly - D'Arcy-McGee Won 90.61% (+86.26%)
  09/12/1994 QC National Assembly - D'Arcy-McGee Won 65.37% (+34.54%)
PLQ Leadership - Mar 17, 2013 PLQ Raymond Bachand
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