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  Craciun, Jim
NameJim Craciun
Cleveland, Ohio , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
ContributorNone Entered
Last ModifedNone Entered
Oct 13, 2006 04:21pm
InfoWhy Jim Craciun is Running for State Senate District 23:

Jim Craciun is running for this important public office because he is angered by the disrespect demonstrated by our elected state legislators for the life issues impacting our families. Partisan politics must stop. The key to Ohio’s future is education. An educated, skilled work force creates more jobs, strengthens our economy, and preserves the fabric of our liberty.

Jim supports the EDUCATE OHIO AMENDEMENT. This amendment will lower our property taxes, improve public education, and end constant school levies.

Ohio’s fiscal problems can be solved through a renewed commitment to the responsible stewardship and administration of our State’s programs and natural resources. We will put an end to Medicaid waste and special interest tax loopholes that cost Ohioans billions of dollars.

Remember, all that is owned by “Ohio” is owned by its citizens. With that in mind we can make decisions for the common good of all.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer, on March 30, 2006, had this to say regarding my worthy opponent, Dale Miller, who has been a career politician for 26 consecutive years: “His vote to prevent cities from enacting employee residency requirements was an affront to his hometown.”

* * *

Jim Craciun’s Biography:

Jim Craciun’s paternal grandparents immigrated to America from Romania and were founders of the first Romanian American community, located in Cleveland’s Detroit-Shoreway neighborhood. They built the first churches for Romanian people in America and founded the fraternal organization, The Union and League of Romanian Societies of America.

Craciun’s maternal grandparents emigrated from Italy. They were founders of the first West Side Italian community, and also contributed to the development of Our Lady of Mount Carmel West Catholic Church.

His Italian grandfather formed the West Side Italian Republican Club. His Romanian grandfather was a founder of the Romanian Democratic Cosmopolitan Club.

Jim Craciun has roots in both parties and is running as an Independent.

Jim Craciun’s life changed in 1974, after graduating from Cleveland State University. His parish priest, Father Marino Frascati, invited him to smuggle Bibles and Catechisms into Communist Romania, to bring the Word of God to oppressed people in captive nations. He did so, and this act changed his life.

He became deeply committed to Human Rights for all people and realized the value of rights too often taken for granted in this country. He recognized how the blood of our forefathers had secured freedoms, civil liberties, individual rights, and human dignity, not only for the citizens of this country, but for a multitude of people in nations around the world -- even for people in areas of the world where such rights were still denied.

Most importantly, he found that only through education could the high cost of Liberty be fully appreciated, with an earnest commitment to defend it with our very lives.

Jim Craciun’s family has fought, in wars abroad and in the streets of their community, to preserve and perpetuate individuals’ rights in this American Republic and elsewhere.

Throughout history, and even more today, education is the cornerstone to sustaining the ideals that made this Nation great: the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, with which all persons are endowed by their Creator; and the powerful freedoms and civil liberties defined and secured by our U.S. and Ohio Constitutions.


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  11/07/2006 OH State Senate 23 Lost 12.34% (-55.49%)
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