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  Weber, Bill
NameBill Weber
Address704 Traveling Hail Circle
Luverne, Minnesota , United States
Born April 03, 1956
Died Still Living (68 years)
ContributorThe Oncoming Storm
Last ModifedNCdem
Apr 10, 2024 01:06pm
InfoI am a life long resident of Rock County, Minnesota being born in Luverne April 3, 1956. Upon graduation from Luverne High School and Nettleton Business College in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, I returned to Luverne and currently am the owner and president of Jensen Management Service, Inc., a real estate appraisal, management, consulting and brokerage firm.

I was elected to the Luverne City Council in 1984 where I served for eight years and then elected Mayor in 1992 in which capacity I served for another eight years. My tenure in office saw me serve on many boards and commissions. Included in this list was my position as a council representative on the city recycling committee which developed the recycling program for Luverne. Following that, I served on the Rock County Solid Waste Advisory Committee which developed and recommended to the Rock County Board of Commissioners a program for county wide recycling, contracting for recycling services and landfill recommendations. I served as president of the Luverne Economic Development Authority. During my city government career, we worked successfully to be named the site of a Minnesota Veteran's Home, bring an ethonal plant to Luverne, find a business for a vacated packing plant, expand and attract various new businesses.

In addition to various committee assignments, my local government experience also produced opportunities for me to testify in front of various Minnesota Legislative Committees and two U.S. Senate Committee hearings.

I have also been involved in St. John Lutheran Church, the Rock County Republican Party and Luverne Rotary Club.


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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/08/2022 MN State Senate 21 Won 97.80% (+95.61%)
  08/09/2022 MN State Senate 21 - R Primary Won 77.33% (+54.66%)
  11/03/2020 MN State Senate 22 Won 69.17% (+43.42%)
  11/08/2016 MN State Senate 22 Won 70.20% (+40.48%)
  11/06/2012 MN State Senate 22 Won 52.83% (+5.65%)
  11/07/2006 MN State Senate 22 Lost 41.94% (-16.05%)
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